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Welcome to my blog. I'm Robyn. I was born in October '74 (so I don't have to keep upping my age every year.) I'm married to Kris, my military guy that married me, a pagan hippie. I have 4 children, 3 living, I work fulltime as an IT business analyst (aka - computer dork) and I have worked very hard to get out from under obesity. This blog was originally about the weight loss journey, however now it is about my life. After having lost my 2nd child, Anily, during her full term delivery after a perfectly normal pregnancy, I got involved in a group called "Missing Grace". That is a group that helps people through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility, and adoption. Through this group I found an agency that helped me to DO SOMETHING about all the infertility I saw around me every day. I am in the beginning of a surrogacy journey in which I will be the gestational carrier. I've never done this before so I have to admit I don't know all of what I'm about to take on. I guess we'll find out. In the meantime, I'll blog about my life. My stillbirth, parenting, weightloss, maintaining, working, surrogacy, whatever else happens, life.

The Human Race 8K - 56:17
The Bunker Hills Run 8K - 50:20
Eagan Fun Run 2 mile - 20:05, 5 mile - 54:07

Operation Life
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Sun Down to Sun Up

Weight: 160.0 lbs.

Well, it looks like we are in search of a new egg donor. When I say "we" I really just mean the guys because that's not something I get any say on. (Although, guys, if you want my advice, look for the ones with SMALL head circumferences!!) Oh, and preferably one that has eggs. We have now rounded 70 days with no period for the previous donor and rather than wait it out and wonder what this might mean for a successful harvest quantity/quality, we are looking for a new one. Don't ever let it be said that for two gay guys "all" they have to do for a family is surrogacy, that's for sure! They've had one disappointment/loss after another through this whole thing. I can't wait for them to have a family and to finally be parents after all of this.

With that news coming in last night, AND a production down issue on the floor around 9PM, it turned into a kinda late night. When I say "late" I mean, I went to sleep after the sun went down so it wasn't really that bad. I just was hoping to get to sleep by 9 because I've been so tired with the 10-5 routine lately. Then, this morning I wake up at 4 to hear a child calling me. I figure out it is Jessie because she's had a bad dream. I get her (and change her sheets and pjs because I'm blessed with a houseful of nighttime bladder control rebels) and bring her up to my bed in the hopes of getting about 30 minutes of sleep before the alarm goes off. Jessie keeps m-o-v-i-n-g in the bed and I keep saying "Jessica, for the love of Captain Feather Sword PUH-LEASE just go to sleep." Finally it is about 5 minutes before my alarm will go off and I'm dropping into sleep and my cell phone rings. I run to answer it before it sets off the other child in the crib and it is work again saying that they are still down. (Last night it had turned out that the server people were doing scheduled maintenance only they had neglected to tell our site that it was scheduled.) I'm pissy and tired and up for the day so I jump to with a HUGE case of "What in the hell are you trying to do to my production site" on my shoulder and call the support person in Arizona. Yes, it is 2 hours BEFORE 5AM there. Now, it might be good to point out that what I SHOULD have done was log into my work computer first and VERIFY that the production people were not just making things up. They do that, you know. They come to me and say "We can't work" and when I walk over there and WATCH them do what they say they can't do, they do it just fine. "Well, it didn't work before." riiiiight. But I was pissy and tired and evidently feeling vindictive so I called and woke up the very nice Arizona support person to pass along the news that they were down. She said that she would check on things and while she was doing that, I was logging in to verify that they were, in fact, as down as they said. Low and behold, the app came right up and was working just fine. Hehe, hehe, heh, um, oops. I called the production people and asked them to try it again and "Hey, it's working now, what did you do?!" Um, nothing. The Arizona support person calls me to inform me that everything on her end looks just fine and it all should've been up and running since about sometime last night. Yes, thank you very much everything seems fine sorry to have woken you up. Ah, today is gonna be AWESOME!

Jessie is, of course, totally awake after all of this and I get ready while she says she doesn't want me to go to work. I finally convince her to settle down when I offer to turn on Caillou or Peep for her so I can get, by now LATE, out the door to the gym. I have 5 miles to run this morning before work. At the gym, I try to get my stretching in while sitting on the bench in the locker room before the run. Someone has got her gym bag the size of Texas sitting on the bench. PEOPLE - your BAG can sit on the FLOOR. Please remember this. Your bag LIKES the floor. So after I deliver a precise and powerful ninja kick to send the bag flying over the lockers and land wedged ever so gracefully atop the bathroom stall door, I use the tiny unoccupied corner of the bench to get some stretches in. My run actually goes rather well. Slower than the other times at 51 minutes for the 5 miles but I also didn't feel all drained from it. Then I do an abbreviated stretching routine while walking back to the locker room. Where I weigh in at 160 again. But hey, look, the sun is up and it is a beautiful day for me to drive into work now.

Posted by robynanne at 12:54 PM CDT

Friday, 9 May 2008 - 7:31 AM CDT

Name: "Jeanette"
Home Page: http://morrisonbaby.wordpress.com/

Good luck to the guys on finding a new donor.  That's pretty crazy that she went so long without cycling...  I suppose you'll be on hold for a while now.

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