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Welcome to my blog. I'm Robyn. I was born in October '74 (so I don't have to keep upping my age every year.) I'm married to Kris, my military guy that married me, a pagan hippie. I have 4 children, 3 living, I work fulltime as an IT business analyst (aka - computer dork) and I have worked very hard to get out from under obesity. This blog was originally about the weight loss journey, however now it is about my life. After having lost my 2nd child, Anily, during her full term delivery after a perfectly normal pregnancy, I got involved in a group called "Missing Grace". That is a group that helps people through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility, and adoption. Through this group I found an agency that helped me to DO SOMETHING about all the infertility I saw around me every day. I am in the beginning of a surrogacy journey in which I will be the gestational carrier. I've never done this before so I have to admit I don't know all of what I'm about to take on. I guess we'll find out. In the meantime, I'll blog about my life. My stillbirth, parenting, weightloss, maintaining, working, surrogacy, whatever else happens, life.

The Human Race 8K - 56:17
The Bunker Hills Run 8K - 50:20
Eagan Fun Run 2 mile - 20:05, 5 mile - 54:07

Operation Life
Wednesday, 9 April 2008

April 9, 2008 8:48 A.M. Weight: 160.0 lbs.

I've run 9 miles (well, 8.97 - 8K isn't really 5 miles) in the last 4 days and my knees don't hurt!!! I ran 3 miles yesterday in 29:30 minutes, making the FIRST time I've done the 3 miles in under 30 minutes. I also was at 2 miles in 20 minutes during that run which was my original goal for that indoor tri I did. Today I only did 1 mile but I did it in 9:20. Then I used the rowing machine for a little over 20 minutes. For how many calories it says I'm burning, that rowing machine is easy - the only trouble is that there is no way I could read while on it. I wish it felt more like a heavy workout though. I was barely even sweating... although that probably had something to do with the huge wheel faning me as I went.

One thing that I think is really helping with my knees is my stretching. I've decided that in addition to the strengthening exercised the PT has me doing, I'm going to get my hamstrings nice and limber. Another cause to the knee pain is tight hamstrings.

When I started I could barely reach my toes and even then I was kinda bending my knees a bit. I've been working at it every day and I'm making a lot of progress! Now I'm trying to be able to reach the floor without bending my knees.

Amanda, I think they changed the results posting because Paul and I are at the same time and you are now under 56:00. Also, the results for anyone looking are at that link on the right for the Bunker Hills run, only they are under the heading '2006 results'. I told them they needed to change the year, but whatever.

Posted by robynanne at 9:19 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 April 2008 9:24 AM CDT

Wednesday, 9 April 2008 - 11:19 AM CDT

Name: "Amanda"

They most certainly did!  Thanks for letting me know - I feel a lot better knowing that my correct time is now posted out in the cyber-verse.  Now I just need to get a little faster so I can end up in the 10 minute mile bracket!!!

Wednesday, 9 April 2008 - 1:19 PM CDT

Name: "Me"

testing comment change

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