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Welcome to my blog. I'm Robyn. I was born in October '74 (so I don't have to keep upping my age every year.) I'm married to Kris, my military guy that married me, a pagan hippie. I have 4 children, 3 living, I work fulltime as an IT business analyst (aka - computer dork) and I have worked very hard to get out from under obesity. This blog was originally about the weight loss journey, however now it is about my life. After having lost my 2nd child, Anily, during her full term delivery after a perfectly normal pregnancy, I got involved in a group called "Missing Grace". That is a group that helps people through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility, and adoption. Through this group I found an agency that helped me to DO SOMETHING about all the infertility I saw around me every day. I am in the beginning of a surrogacy journey in which I will be the gestational carrier. I've never done this before so I have to admit I don't know all of what I'm about to take on. I guess we'll find out. In the meantime, I'll blog about my life. My stillbirth, parenting, weightloss, maintaining, working, surrogacy, whatever else happens, life.

The Human Race 8K - 56:17
The Bunker Hills Run 8K - 50:20
Eagan Fun Run 2 mile - 20:05, 5 mile - 54:07

Operation Life
Friday, 9 May 2008
Rude Much?


I have to admit, I was way too self absorbed in the gym this morning. Granted, that is really my time so I don't feel too badly about it but still. A woman that I see frequently in the gym was at the sinks drying her hair when I went up to finish getting ready. We said hi and she said "You've really lost a lot of weight recently, you've been doing a great job." This was very awesome to hear. Especially now when I really have NOT seen a lot of loss and I don't really hear that often. I thanked her and, always the MN woman well trained in proper compliment etiquette, I promptly told her how very wrong she was. "Oh no, recently it seems I have just not gone down at all!" She countered with a brilliant rebuttal "Still, even just maintaining for so long is great." I conceded this point to her and thanked her again. It wasn't until she had left that I realized that I should've returned the compliment to her. She is in GREAT shape. She always has been since I've seen her there but I know that she is very conscious of what she looks like. She said once that she just stopped eating for 3 days to lose weight because her doctor told her it would work. (I know, it sounded bad to me too, but the way she said it didn't sound like she was anorexic although what the hell do I know?) I should've TOLD her that I've always thought she was in great shape. A simple "Oh, I'd return the compliment but you've ALWAYS looked so amazing and slim so I don't think you have anything to lose." would've been nice. But no, like I said, too self absorbed apparently, to think of it while talking to her.

I have completed my 15 miles! Actually, I've run 16 miles on the treadmill this week and yesterday after work I came home early, got the double kid jogging/bike stroller, and jogged/walked to daycare to pick them up and then, of course, back home with them. I don't know how much real running I got in with that. It is SO HARD to run with a stroller! You've got to keep one arm holding onto it and you need to keep it going straight and well anyway, between the extra effort to just push it and the coordination involved in not falling over or running into the curb or potholes or other people while they gape at you for running with an empty giant stroller, it is more work. It was even more work when there were actually children in the stroller after I had gotten to the daycare house to get them. I doubt I had much running under my belt with that one but it DID take me about 30-35 minutes to get to the daycare house vs the 50ish minutes to get back with the kids in tow. Part of that was because I couldn't run on the way back because Gavin had no desire to run and he couldn't ride in the stroller. By the time we got home I was pulling him along. For how fit he seems, that kid needs more endurance! For this next week, I really have to decide if I am going to sign up for that 7 mile run on Sat. I have an appointment at 11, but there is still time to hit the run if I want to. If I do, I don't want to kill myself with 5 mile runs on Monday and Wednesday again. I know I'm all uber and everything, but today my run was hard and I could really feel that I'm ending out a high mile week. There was gasping and heavy breathing and quiet swearing involved (although that was more because the stupid "Team Weight Loss" group was counting out loud while they did jumping jacks and I HATE it when they do that and mess with my breathing rhythm. 1-2-1-2-1-14-2-15-1-2-16-FUCK, SHUT UP!) I'm leaning towards signing up and going ahead and doing it so chances are my runs next week will be minor. I'm thinking a 3 mile on Monday, a 1 mile on Tuesday and a 3 mile on Wednesday. That will give me Thursday and Friday to rest up. That will also still give me a 14 mile week with the 7 on Sat (assuming I don't, in fact DIE on Sat.) so that is decent I think. I don't expect my time to be very amazing or anything on Sat though if I do 7 miles because… 7 miles. In one run. Holy nipple band aids batman.

I have been noticing a problem now that the weather is getting nicer. My clothes don't fit. Almost all of my summer clothes are size 14-1X. I am still trying to build up my savings again after zapping through them very quickly purchasing new wardrobes from last summer and winter. The clothes that don't fit me are really pretty new themselves. I figured that I could just wear them anyway but I've been noticing that when I look at my reflection in the baggy clothes it is easier for me to visualize the bigger me. I know, I know, more whining about this post-traumatic-obesity disorder and all. I've already decided I'm going to have to suck it up and deal with it because I do not have the savings in place to get tons of new stuff now. Eventually, just not now. Hey, as long as they keep my office air conditioned to arctic regulations, I can still just wear my winter stuff anyway.

Posted by robynanne at 11:38 AM CDT

Tuesday, 13 May 2008 - 4:24 PM CDT

Name: "Amanda"

Holy nipple band aids batman - too funny!!

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