Weight - 162 - again!
There is screaming in our house. Lots of screaming. Asher has decided he is big enough to do everything for himself. The trouble is, this is not so much correct. Yesterday it started when I picked the kids up at daycare. Asher started screaming because "Asher do!" was not obliged when he wanted to buckle himself into his seat. Now - it was only not obliged because when I took my hands away to let him do it himself, he pushed the buckles away, hopped out of the seat, and attempted to drive away on his own from the front seat. Apparently, "Asher do!" had more to do with the car and less to do with the seat buckles. Upon getting home (where I made sure he put up the garage door before driving in) there was more screaming because "Asher do!" started again in honor of unbuckling himself, opening the car door, and jumping down out of the van. Thankfully, he cannot actually unbuckle himself (or those trips down the highway would get MUCH more exciting) nor can he open the van door. He can jump down from the van (and off of the coffee table and out of his crib and down 3 flights of stairs) so he got to do that.
Then it was time for dinner making. "Asher do!" now applied to cutting open the turkey package (Chicken! According to Asher) and browning the turkey. He also wanted to participate in cutting the carrots, broccoli, and brussel sprouts for the little stir fry I was making. Yes, it was a pretty healthy meal last night I think. Thankfully, Gavin had run outside to dig up worms for his newly acquired crawfish (Which he would NOT let me put in our dinner and I was so unhappy) (um, the crawfish, not the worms.) so Asher became distracted by the open door and the sandbox. I finished cutting with only one helper as Jessie was enjoying putting the cut veggies into the bowl and the parts we weren't cooking into the trash. Since Asher had taken the package of noodles outside with him in a covert attempt to force me into requesting his assistance, the meat and veggies cooked while I asked Asher nicely to find the noodles. Jessie found them for us and "Asher do!" started all over again with the noodles.
Dinner was finally made and the kids rounded up at the table. Asher declared the turkey to be "Good!" and picked all the ground turkey out of his veggie stir fry. When the ground turkey was gone, he wanted to dish himself up some more. (Asher do!) Aside from the fact that he was not going to get away with just eating the meat, Asher dishing himself up tends to also include Asher dishing up food for the table and the floor and sometimes the windows in the next room. (Depending on how much oomph he gets into his frustrated throw when the spoon that is bigger than his torso doesn't do what he wants.)
After dinner, we went outside to work on the swing set some more. We've got much of it put together but now we are putting the tunnel slide together. "Asher do!" was heard as he wanted to screw in the nuts and bolts and tighten the large sheets of plastic together into a slide. Even though I promised him that when he was a teenager he could not only do all the manual labor type things like that but also mow the lawn and bring lemonades out to my lawn chair he still screamed at not being able to put together the slide.
At bedtime, after Asher insisted that he got BOTH sippy cups with juice (which I resolved by giving them both to him and telling him to give one to Jessica - amazing how compliant he is when it is put that way instead of just giving him one and handing the other straight to Jessie.) we went upstairs for pjs, teeth brushing, and stories. Oh the screaming. If I am going to let "Asher do!" his own pjs, then he is going to have to NOT put the shirt on by putting his feet into the arm holes. I tried to let Asher brush his teeth, but 'Asher do!' meant Asher throwing the toothbrush as far from him as possible. (He really needs to be signed up for little league because he has got an ARM!) The one thing Asher did NOT want to do was clean the toothpaste off the wall when I handed him the washcloth and said "Get to it, boy." Thankfully, the last "Asher do!" was something I could totally allow as he wanted to climb into his own crib. I do love how easily this boy goes to bed.
BTW - Mom - Yes, I DO know all the stories you have about me as a child and my single most uttered phrase "ME DO IT!" and no, I don't think you're funny.