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Welcome to my blog. I'm Robyn. I was born in October '74 (so I don't have to keep upping my age every year.) I'm married to Kris, my military guy that married me, a pagan hippie. I have 4 children, 3 living, I work fulltime as an IT business analyst (aka - computer dork) and I have worked very hard to get out from under obesity. This blog was originally about the weight loss journey, however now it is about my life. After having lost my 2nd child, Anily, during her full term delivery after a perfectly normal pregnancy, I got involved in a group called "Missing Grace". That is a group that helps people through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility, and adoption. Through this group I found an agency that helped me to DO SOMETHING about all the infertility I saw around me every day. I am in the beginning of a surrogacy journey in which I will be the gestational carrier. I've never done this before so I have to admit I don't know all of what I'm about to take on. I guess we'll find out. In the meantime, I'll blog about my life. My stillbirth, parenting, weightloss, maintaining, working, surrogacy, whatever else happens, life.

The Human Race 8K - 56:17
The Bunker Hills Run 8K - 50:20
Eagan Fun Run 2 mile - 20:05, 5 mile - 54:07

Operation Life
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Naked people running
Topic: Fun With Obesity

Weight: 160

Imagine, if you will, being in the shower at your gym.  You have just applied conditioner to your hair and are now rinsing your hands and getting ready to shave.  Over the PA system, you hear “Attention Lifetime members and guests, please evacuate the building.  Attention Lifetime members and guests, you need to evacuate the building due to a gas leak.”  That was my morning!  At the risk of blowing up with the building, I decided to take the time to leave relatively on my own terms.  I know, risky, but so is running out of the gym with a towel wrapped around me and leaving all my stuff in my locker.  (At least I lock my locker when I’m in the shower and don’t leave everything sitting out on the bench.)  So, I do a quick rinse, feel bad about not shaving my legs, and dry off as quickly as I can with my towel.  I head to the lockers where people are asking if we heard the news about the gas leak.  Yes, thank you, we heard but as you can see, we are NAKED.  Sheesh.  I throw on some clothes and jam my feet into my shoes and pack everything up and run out.  My hair is unbrushed and dripping, my teeth are unbrushed and my red and white gingham shirt is starting to show off my blue bra as the water spreads from my shoulders down.  I DID, thankfully, apply deoderant.  I stop at my car in the parking lot to put on my belt - while people just coming to the gym for their workout and have no idea what is going on wonder why the crazy blue-bra lady is holding up her shirt to mess with her belt in the parking lot.  Or they are wondering what the hell Cousin It is doing with belted pants and a bra because, well, did I mention my hair was just hanging down and dripping wet?  Never a dull day, people.  Never.

I have to take a moment to totally brag about my accomplishment in the workout before the gas leak.  I did something that I have been too intimidated to do for the last year.  I went to the strength training section, found a piece of equipment, and used it.  I know!  Not a single person pointed or laughed or anything.  Well, I did change the height of the seat on one thing and sit down on it only to have the whole seat come crashing down to the floor with me, but I don’t think anyone was paying any attention.  When my sisters were here, Beckey had said I had definition in my arms.  Now, she was either just being nice or she meant that my arms looked normal and not all fat like they used to because I decidedly do NOT have any definition to my arms.  I have plenty of extra skin, but that doesn’t count, I don’t think.  I would like to fix that to at least some degree so I worked my arms in a little strength session today.  I thought I had done a good job doing 2 reps of 10 on 4 different pieces of equipment, but I’m not feeling very sore or anything now so I’m going to guess I need to work harder.  This was after a ~35 minute run though so I felt my workout commitment had been kept. 

Back in the locker room (pre-shower-gas-leak-fun), I had to face the dreaded weigh in.  I get so worked up over this when it has been awhile.  I ended up with…160!  Not so bad afterall!  I cannot imagine why, but I’ll take it!  Too bad I’m so close to the weekend again.  I’ll just have to make sure I’m dedicated to finding workout time.  BTW - tomorrow is Friday and Kris is having his other shoulder operated on so I won’t be hitting the gym first thing in the morning.  This weekend will be a VERY good test of my ability to fit in workouts creatively.

On the surro front, there has been no news.  Technically we are not expecting the donor to notify us of her PMS symptoms until tomorrow so it isn’t time to get worried just yet.  I think I’m just antsy considering the last time we were waiting an egg donor to say she’s started her period.  We’re all just hoping this goes over smoothly.

Posted by robynanne at 2:49 PM CDT
I need your help!
Topic: IT dorks take over

OK, I will add a real post shortly (because OH BOY did I have an eventful morning!!!) but right now I need some help.  You will notice that there is now a fancy list of blogs to the right.  To the left you will see some fun catagories.  Well, I was trying to do some editing to my site yesterday to make it more user friendly and I ran into a little snag.  Tripod will only let me assign ONE catagory to any post.  Well, if you've read this for any amount of time you will notice that I ramble write with a lot of diversity in my posts.  One catagory is just not going to cut it.  Plus, for the 3rd time I did NOT get my traffic report created for the previous day and I actually did decide to pay the dumb $4-something just so I could view traffic reports.  Yes, I'm anal like that and YES, all you non-commenting peeps that come to my blog, I know you are here!  Did I mention I love comments?

 Anyway, I've just rambled been diverse again.  My point is, Tripod as officially cheesed me off enough to leave.  It will be sad.  I've been here ever since Ivillage pawned me off on them without a choice like the red-headed step child I am way back in, oh, 2003 or something like that.  I started the site originally when I was pregnant with Anily in 2002 so that I could display pictures of the cloth diapers I was making for her.  When she ended up dying, I used it to post information about her and then I blogged my pregnancy with Jessica and then I kept blogging about the kids and then I created THIS specific blog for the weightloss and, well, here we are.  I am not deleting all the family stuff - although goodness knows I haven't updated it in ages.  I think it celebrates Ash's first birthday over at that site still.  Anyway, that is free so whatever.   I am moving my 'operation life' stuff.

 I am deciding between two sites.  Typepad has caught my eye from a number of other blogs I've read.  My friend Kristina has suggested Wordpress which I know other friends also use.  I'm checking them both out but in my short experience, Wordpress is getting better scores.  Mostly for the 'free' factor.  Typepad is $4.95/month and it doesn't look like the bells and whistles are any fancier for that monthly payment.  The one really nice thing about Typepad so far is the design and overall look of my blog would be more up to me it seems.  (Or, at least, it is easier to make it my own.)  Also, the 'Operation Life' name in the web address is open at Typepad vs Wordpress, where it is not.  On the other hand, Wordpress has funner stats that are easier to get to I think.  It was also pretty easy to add links to a blog roll there but to be fair, I didn't attempt to do that at Typepad.

 These are the two sites I've set up:



I will be playing with both of these and trying to keep up the blogs at all three places (um, yikes) for the next 13 or so days.  (Until Typepad is no longer free or until I make up my mind, whichever comes first.)

Please check out the other two sites and let me know (via commenting) which you prefer.  Also, if you have experience with one or the other, a review of the service you've recieved (customer service is a big deal to me) and your general feel for the site would be great!


Posted by robynanne at 10:06 AM CDT
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Under Construction
Topic: Fun With Obesity


I missed the turn off to go to my normal gym this morning and the next turn off isn't until quite a ways down the road. I had almost convinced myself to just drive to work and I'd run outside around the office and shower and get ready there at work. (There is a place to do this.) I changed my mind because I had to go to the bathroom and I knew both that I could NOT run while needing to pee because I'm not hard core enough to be OK with wetting myself for the sake of the run AND that I was not really willing to go into the building where I work before running while wearing all my running stuff and having not showered just to use the restroom and then leave. I decided instead to drive a bit further down the road from my work to the other Lifetime there.

I drive up and there are construction trucks and demolition bins everywhere. The parking lot is full, though, so clearly they are still open. I went in and it was a mad house of everything being torn apart. The only place not touched was the aerobic exercise area with all the machines and the running track. I went down to the locker room and they had the women's locker room all marked off and signs saying the women were to use the 'family' locker room for now. Evidently, they had already finished the family locker room and while it was tiny, it was pretty nice. The showers were in their own little rooms with lockable doors going into them. They had benches and everything in each individual shower room. There wasn't any counter space to brush your teeth or your hair or anything though - just a couple of individual bathrooms with those same lockable doors and a toilet and sink and mirror in each room. Since we will remember that I, in fact, needed to use the restroom we will note the dismay I felt in learning that the restrooms were being propped open so people could use the sink and mirrors. I found a locker and dropped off all my stuff (thankfully I had dressed in my workout stuff at home even though it was FREEZING to walk around outside in a tank top and shorts) so I could head out in search of a working bathroom. After getting directions 2 different times from 2 different people (um, ya, the place wasn't that big so either I'm a really bad finder or the people were really bad at giving directions) I found a bathroom with 1 working stall in it.

By now it is getting pretty late and I don't have much time left. I decided to run on the track because I've never done that before and I just wanted the experience. There were a few people walking on it, but no other runners. I tried to stick to the middle lane but it was kinda insulting because it was labeled for "Slow runners" while the other one was labeled for "9 min mile or faster runners". Well, I'm no 9 min miler (yet) so I shuffled along in the slow lane. I thought it was really funny that they had signs alternating the direction of the runners every other day until I made it a few times around the track. It feels really annoying to always turn in the same direction so I could see how if you went there every day you'd want to run the other way. I finished a 30 minute run and on the way back to change I noticed a sign saying that they would be closed as of Friday until the grand re-opening around the 21st. I guess I was lucky they were open when I came here. I noticed that they had an outdoor pool which I think the kids would love so I'm looking forward to that this summer, although I wish it wasn't such a drive to get there. I'm also really excited to see the new locker room once they are done there.

One thing from this morning was that they did not have a scale in the family room. That means I have another grace day before weighing in which I've decided is a good thing. No good could possibly have come from weighing in today after 4 days off. Not that tomorrow will be much better but hey, I'll take what I can. I don't know what it is lately with all this but I have been missing so many days to workout. I'd love to blame the busy summer but I didn't run into this last year at this time. Last Sat I could've gone in but I was out at my mom's house and didn't want to deal with it. Sunday I could not have gone until at night due to the birthday thing. (That would be Jessie's birthday thing, which was marvelous and fun and wonderful! My baby girl made herself a pink cat named Feline - as in - Bambi and Feline - pronounced phonetically fa-leen. My husband thinks she is a genius for naming her cat feline, as in phonetically fe-line. Jessie had a great time with her friends but it is hard for me, the social equivalent to a loudspeaker and spotlights, to watch my daughter hide and shy away from the group.) Monday I also could not have gone until night because my poor baby Asher had a bad tummy bug and while he blessed me by NOT doing anything gross in my car on the ride to and from the doctor office, that was about the only thing he did not hit. My washing machine just gave me a notice of strike yesterday saying that I was not allowed to put anything noxious in it for at least another week. Totally fair terms, if you ask me. Tuesday my husband requested I take over pick up and drop off duties while he biked into work. Since we were over at his mom's house until pretty late that night too, I didn't even really get a chance to go in at night. Do you see the problem here? If it isn't fitting into my schedule all pretty and normal-like, I'm not making space for working out. Since my life is not actually ever pretty and normal-like, that means I'm missing a lot of days. I need to address that. I also need to address the fact that I've been eating less healthy for snacks. I used to be very good about having fun HEALTHY things on hand for snacking and I have not been doing so well with that lately. I picked up some rhubarb today that I can cut up and I think that'll be a good start. It is time to reassess the habits and figure out how to put them back on the better track.

Posted by robynanne at 12:03 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 June 2008 3:42 PM CDT
Friday, 6 June 2008
I'm sorry for this post.... well, not really

Weight: 161

One of my (I know, there are a lot) hot button issues is when people say "I'm sorry." when they don't really mean it. To the best of my knowledge, "I'm sorry" does NOT actually mean "Huh, sucks to be you, doesn't it?" However, that is exactly how WAY too many people use it - especially in customer service situations. If you have absolutely no intention of changing anything at all about your actions, then don't use the phrase "I'm sorry".

In the gym this morning while on the elliptical (can't run 5 miles every day) they started screaming/counting off jumping jacks or pushups or whatever again in the gym. After my workout I finally mustered up the courage to go to the PT while the group was running and say very nicely, "Excuse me, but could you maybe please not do that counting out loud? It is really distracting and annoying while I work out." He said "I know, I'm sorry about that. Maybe you could wear headphones." In other words, he had NO INTENTION of stopping at all. Now, fine. Give that as your stance, but don't say you are sorry for it when you are clearly NOT sorry for the noise intrusion. In fact, you intend to do it AGAIN. Indeed, as soon as I went to start my stretches they started counting out loud AGAIN and this time did it extra loud and started cheering with it and being all obnoxious. The PT DID invite me to join them on Monday morning for free so that I could be part of the screaming instead of merely a victim of it. I had said no thanks, but now I am rethinking that stance. How better to get under his skin than to join the class and be as obnoxious as possible right there IN his class? I could count out loud as I'm kicking him. 1! 2! 3! 4!.....

I'm just in a weird mood today I think. In theory, a week from today we will begin cycle #2 for the surrogacy. While I still have no idea what I'm supposed to DO upon the start of that, I've got a dozen or so different meds that the pharmacist tossed into my grab bag deal. I'm not sure how my insurance co-pay will work with that but oh well. I've heard a rumor about an end of July egg harvest timeframe which to me means June 13th would be the start of the cycle BEFORE the cycle with the egg harvesting. I mean, then the next cycle would start around July 13th and two weeks into that, July 27th, would be mature egg time for harvest. I realized though that if I do end up with an April due date, my births will have been July, June, May, April, in that order. Weird huh? Also weird that Anily was born totally out of the pattern.

Yesterday I came home from work to find that Kris's new car salesman sent us cookies. Yes, a tin of cookies. Kris had a big truck. He turned it in and now how a smaller Ford.. Um… I don't remember but it looks like a station wagon only beefier. I call it a station wagon and Kris gets all insulted and says "It's a TRUCK." Whatever. It's not a truck. Anyway, he got it because it would have better gas mileage. Well, so would a leer jet when compared to that giant truck he had but OK, I'll give him that. It also doesn't really fit the 3 car seats in the back well. Gavin is about a ounce or two away from the 80 pounds he needs to be out of the booster seat and really, he is almost 9 years old. When I think back to MY childhood there is no WAY I'd have been in a seat of any kind when I was 9. Of course, way back then, we used to sleep in bunk beds that could kill us with the non-fire proof pjs and I think the baby car seats were just held into the cars with some fabric glue and a paperclip. Well, I'm not so sure but perhaps Gavin would be fine with no booster chair in Kris's car. Really, we don't have all three in his car all that often anyway. The other thing is that Jessie is growing and getting near the age when she can be in a booster instead of the full fledged car seat. That might give them more room in the back of Kris's station wagon, err, truck, I mean. But I've gone off my original topic intent. They sent us cookies. Aside from the fact that I find this sort of sad and pathetic for the poor dealership, there was the temptation of cookies in our house. I tried to fling them out to the kids as much as possible but I have to admit I had 2.

Posted by robynanne at 2:28 PM CDT
Thursday, 5 June 2008
How much would you pay to go 'Straight'?

Weight: 160

I FINALLY got back to 160!! YAY! I have to say that I've been eating these veggie stick things (air puffed french fries more or less) in the evenings straight from the bag and I've been doing GREAT at portions!! I'm so proud of myself. I have the bag right by my computer and I can grab it, eat some, and PUT IT BACK DOWN. It has sat in there for 4 days now and is still not empty. This is an amazing thing!

I have a hair 'consultation' appointment this Sat. I'll have to bring the kids since Kris has drill on Sat (but not Friday or Sunday, which is really odd but I'll take it.) I have heard about this Japanese hair straightening thing that you can do to permanently make your hair as if you have hot ironed it. Now, I've heard a LOT about it - some people swear by it - some say it will destroy your hair. Everyone says that as your hair grows out, since obviously it doesn't change your genetics, it will grow out not straight and the line between the treated hair and the not treated hair looks odd. It is also expensive and takes forever. Now, the taking forever part is normal for me. Just using a hot iron to straighten it takes ~2 hours, and that's only if I pay someone professional to do it. A perm would take ~5 hours. Since she says that it NORMALLY takes 5 hours to do this to someone, I'm willing to guess it will be a full 8 hour day for the actual appointment if I do have one. From what I understand, there are 2 methods of this that are not going to destroy your hair. All other types will actually turn your hair into little porous strands of goo. That or snakes with big fangs, I forget which. Either way, it is evidently important to find someone that REALLY knows what they are doing and is using the correct chemical mix. The place I found that does it is Amazing Beauty Spa and Salon at 995 Grand Ave Apt B1. They use the Yoki or whatever it is called technique, which is what I was looking for. When I asked how long they've done it for, she said 4 years… sounds kinda short to me. Then again, everyone has to start somewhere, right? They charge $400+ for this service so… yikes, right??!! But OH… if it is possible. The change would be drastic to me. Like being able to wake up and SEE without glasses was. Only trouble being that obviously it needs to be redone as your hair grows out and my hair grows at approx 4 MPH (Yes, I'm kidding) so that's a lot of re-doing. If I can though, I'd like to try it just once and see what happens. Because my hair grows so fast, I'm not really all that worried. Heck, if I fry it off and have to get a wig I'll STILL be able to have nice hair. I've actually considered shaving it on purpose and getting some wigs. Wish me luck at the consult - and that they tell me it will work for my hair type.

I ran another 5 miles today. I made 49:09 for my time. I averaged 6.1MPH. Pretty decent, huh? My husband sent me this run for the troops info (http://www.thankmntroops.org/MMAFhtmlindex.html) and I'd really like to do this because, hey, my husband actually sent it to me. He usually whines about having to watch the kids alone when I go run. Plus, it is a chance for me to prove to him that I am NOT anti National Guard… I think they do awesome things when needed for natural disasters and such at home… I am just anti 'send generally young, hot-headed people overseas with loaded guns and put them in dangerous situations'. Seriously folks, I know *I* would not want the majority of my husband's unit in MY backyard near my kids while holding loaded paintball guns, not to mention real bullets. Anyway, I digress. I'd like to do the run but it is the day after a run that my friends are doing so if anyone is in MN and interested in going, let me know. I may end up doing it alone. That or pester my friends to do two run days in a row so much that they have to either stop answering the phone when I call and change their numbers, or go.

Oh ya! Ultra-bitch made another showing today. I'm thinking that she must be a regular that just comes in after I normally leave. I have been running a bit late this week so that must be it. I got out of the shower today and I walked past her as I went to the locker section and she went into the showers. Since she was showering, I had free access to everything she had out, which was, in fact, everything. I have to admit, I did move some things. I took her half eaten protein bar and moved it about 6 inches over and I took this bottle of hair product and moved it about 6 inches the other way. Not much, but enough that she might wonder if something was different. I figure, if I can keep messing with her head enough, she might start to actually put some of the stuff away. I'll have to let you know how my experiment works out. Don't worry, if she gets mad at me… I think I can take her.

Posted by robynanne at 1:51 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 June 2008 1:56 PM CDT
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Asher do!

Weight - 162 - again!

There is screaming in our house. Lots of screaming. Asher has decided he is big enough to do everything for himself. The trouble is, this is not so much correct. Yesterday it started when I picked the kids up at daycare. Asher started screaming because "Asher do!" was not obliged when he wanted to buckle himself into his seat. Now - it was only not obliged because when I took my hands away to let him do it himself, he pushed the buckles away, hopped out of the seat, and attempted to drive away on his own from the front seat. Apparently, "Asher do!" had more to do with the car and less to do with the seat buckles. Upon getting home (where I made sure he put up the garage door before driving in) there was more screaming because "Asher do!" started again in honor of unbuckling himself, opening the car door, and jumping down out of the van. Thankfully, he cannot actually unbuckle himself (or those trips down the highway would get MUCH more exciting) nor can he open the van door. He can jump down from the van (and off of the coffee table and out of his crib and down 3 flights of stairs) so he got to do that.

Then it was time for dinner making. "Asher do!" now applied to cutting open the turkey package (Chicken! According to Asher) and browning the turkey. He also wanted to participate in cutting the carrots, broccoli, and brussel sprouts for the little stir fry I was making. Yes, it was a pretty healthy meal last night I think. Thankfully, Gavin had run outside to dig up worms for his newly acquired crawfish (Which he would NOT let me put in our dinner and I was so unhappy) (um, the crawfish, not the worms.) so Asher became distracted by the open door and the sandbox. I finished cutting with only one helper as Jessie was enjoying putting the cut veggies into the bowl and the parts we weren't cooking into the trash. Since Asher had taken the package of noodles outside with him in a covert attempt to force me into requesting his assistance, the meat and veggies cooked while I asked Asher nicely to find the noodles. Jessie found them for us and "Asher do!" started all over again with the noodles.

Dinner was finally made and the kids rounded up at the table. Asher declared the turkey to be "Good!" and picked all the ground turkey out of his veggie stir fry. When the ground turkey was gone, he wanted to dish himself up some more. (Asher do!) Aside from the fact that he was not going to get away with just eating the meat, Asher dishing himself up tends to also include Asher dishing up food for the table and the floor and sometimes the windows in the next room. (Depending on how much oomph he gets into his frustrated throw when the spoon that is bigger than his torso doesn't do what he wants.)

After dinner, we went outside to work on the swing set some more. We've got much of it put together but now we are putting the tunnel slide together. "Asher do!" was heard as he wanted to screw in the nuts and bolts and tighten the large sheets of plastic together into a slide. Even though I promised him that when he was a teenager he could not only do all the manual labor type things like that but also mow the lawn and bring lemonades out to my lawn chair he still screamed at not being able to put together the slide.

At bedtime, after Asher insisted that he got BOTH sippy cups with juice (which I resolved by giving them both to him and telling him to give one to Jessica - amazing how compliant he is when it is put that way instead of just giving him one and handing the other straight to Jessie.) we went upstairs for pjs, teeth brushing, and stories. Oh the screaming. If I am going to let "Asher do!" his own pjs, then he is going to have to NOT put the shirt on by putting his feet into the arm holes. I tried to let Asher brush his teeth, but 'Asher do!' meant Asher throwing the toothbrush as far from him as possible. (He really needs to be signed up for little league because he has got an ARM!) The one thing Asher did NOT want to do was clean the toothpaste off the wall when I handed him the washcloth and said "Get to it, boy." Thankfully, the last "Asher do!" was something I could totally allow as he wanted to climb into his own crib. I do love how easily this boy goes to bed.

BTW - Mom - Yes, I DO know all the stories you have about me as a child and my single most uttered phrase "ME DO IT!" and no, I don't think you're funny.

Posted by robynanne at 12:30 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 June 2008 12:39 PM CDT
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
So if she weighs the same as a duck...


While I was running this morning there was a news program about gay marriages. I didn't catch much of it because the treadmills are far from the screens and I can't read the captioning at the bottom very well. The one thing I caught was something about "opponents of gay marriages have gained" What did they gain? I don't know. Frankly, if it had said "A brain and stopped being so insane and dropped the whole issue." I'd have totally rejoiced. I suspect, however, that it was something much darker for America. OK, here's the thing - in general, I believe the people that oppose gay marriages do so because their religious terms for marriage do not support two people of the same gender being married in that religion. Well, so what? Their terms for marriage also do not support two witches that have conspired with a Wiccan (yep, actually Wiccan this time - AND nuttier than a fruit bat, I might add) priest and his WIFE, a Wiccan priestess (She was not so nutty, but she did have a broken leg and you can kinda see the cast under her robes in the pictures if you look) to use the large broadsword that I (I mean she, the female witch-bride) bought as a wedding gift for her witch-groom and draw a circle around the wedding location. Then we called forth the guardians of the watchtowers of the North, East, South, West - the spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water - and of course, the Goddess, Mother Earth and the God, Father Sun, to witness and participate in our marriage. I mean - in their marriage. I mean Hand-fasting. We then jumped over, back, and over a broom again before walking back down the aisle to greet our guests. We didn't even call it a wedding - it was a Hand Fasting. However because Kris has a penis and I do not, none of that other totally NOT Christian stuff apparently matters. This, to me, means their argument is bunk. I mean, pick a freaking stance and stick to it logically and fully if you are going to, for crying out loud. If the only LEGAL marriages should be Judeo-Christian (or Muslim or whatever religions are going to be included here) marriages - then at least make that your running stance. But they DON'T. Why? Because they know that it would be pushing too many people too far. Pick a battle you have a chance at winning - and thus the poor gays get all the grief while we witches get to hang our marriage certificate on the wall in a frame. Which is interesting really - considering in the past witches have just gotten to hang and I'm pretty sure gay people would sometimes float if tossed in a lake too.

I would, by the way, get into the whole issue of separation of Church and State, but I happen to know that 99.9% of the people that think gay people should not be legally allowed to marry ALSO think the church, correction, THEIR church, and the state should be downright pre-marital lovers. Thus, it is a moot point to argue. The other 0.1% is clearly confused and probably thinks they are voting on how it should be illegal to dress Chihuahuas up in tiny little tuxedos because damn, how much humiliation should a dog have to endure?

And thus my day starts. Incidentally, I am REALLY REALLY tired because I've been staying up way past my bedtime trying to catch up on the shows recorded on my DVR. I turned it on the other day to start a Dora show for Jessie while I got Asher put to bed and it screamed something at me about expectations and attention and SAYING I want to watch a show and then getting 5 episodes behind. I just finished off the last episode of "The Love Boat" and "Cheers" so I'm making a real dent - that was really sad about Gopher though - that's all I'll say about that so I don't ruin it for anyone else. When I go to bed past 10 (or 11, or 12), it is really hard to get up in the 5ish range. Then it is really hard to get into my workout. I did it though. I ran 5 whole miles this morning and I even finished at 49:29. I'm starting to think my shoes are showing some wear because my feet are starting to not like the running. I've been kinda hobbling around today as my right heel feels a little bruised. Of course, I'm certain it had nothing to do with walking around all day yesterday in 3 inch heels when I don't normally wear heels.

Ultra-Bitch (I've changed her name. This one is more fun) was in the locker room again today. She wears bright orange cotton thong underwear. Once she got dressed I still couldn't take her seriously because I kept seeing those thongs in my mind. She was also taking up slightly less of the bench today so I didn't get to practice my super negotiating talents and suggest we clear off a little corner and call it Robyn-land.

We are now a week and 3 days out from having potential egg donor activity. I've heard a rumor that once that happens, I'm supposed to start taking some kind of medication. I don't know what or how much so I figure I could just go to the pharmacy and ask for the grab-bag special. I swear this agency thrives on keeping me as much in the dark as possible… that… or they just like paying extra to overnight meds to me while knowing that I'm freaking out because I have no idea what comes next. Our egg donor has also just NOW been sent her STD testing kit which she has to complete before we can do anything. Now, we've HAD 2-3 weeks for this to have been done but it has not. Instead we are doing a rush order on it to make sure everything is back in time. I have never wanted to start my own company more in my life. Seriously, THIS is an internationally renown agency? Anyway, I feel bad griping about it all. I don't honestly mind so much for myself and when I do it, my boys think I'm being stressed out by it all when I am not. Honestly, I just can't pass up the humor opportunity their customer service provides.

BTW - speaking about fertility and surrogacy stuff - I'd just like to make a shout out about the Sex And The City movie/show for those of you going through that that might be having an aneurism because of the way infertility is dealt with by them. I mean, she (Charlotte) is given a 15% chance of naturally getting pregnant due to her cervical fluid being anti-sperm. She takes this as a death sentence for any possible pregnancy when DUH, 15% chance is nearly NORMAL and pretty damn high. Then she adopts which is awesome but she finds herself pregnant in the movie (this is in the previews so I'm not disclosing anything secret.) She gushes about how all she had to do was adopt and stop thinking about it and she got pregnant! Whoo hoo! Well, in real life, people that have infertility issues are not given such a generous 15% shot. Also in real life, when there are real infertility issues, just relaxing and not thinking about it are not going to make real medical issues go away. Thankfully, for my boys dealing with infertility, no one has ever been dumb enough to say "Just relax and it will happen naturally, why all the medical intervention?" Well, because duh really. But when the couple is not two guys (or two women) the general idea is that given time, it will just happen. Truthfully, many people dealing with infertility have actual medical reasons why they are NOT any MORE likely than two gay guys to conceive just by relaxing. The SATC show just kinda spat in the face of infertility when they could've really had an opportunity to deal with a very real issue. That was disappointing. Not that I think they are responsible for educating the public on infertility so I don't really care that much. I guess I just wanted to say… ya… wow… that wasn't so cool of them was it?

I'll sign off now. I'm hoping I wrote about enough hot buttons that more people will feel inclined to enter comments. :) Hey, I'm a grown up. I can take it. What have ya got to say??

Posted by robynanne at 1:46 PM CDT
Monday, 2 June 2008
Mistress Ultra-Uncouth

Weight: 162

I met my nemesis today in the locker room.  I walked into my aisle and there she was.  Each aisle has about 50 lockers or so and a bench.  Each bench is big enough that probably 6 people could comfortably sit and be using the bench with plenty of personal space.  Probably more like 20 people could sit on a bench if they were right on top of each other.  This woman had her locker door open and her card in it but the locker was empty.  ALL of her stuff, including her EMPTY gym bag was spread out all over the bench.  There was literally not a single space for me to set my small folded up towel on while I changed out of my workout clothes.  I mean, she had everything out - if she'd have packed a Russian nesting doll in her gym bag each and every one of those dolls would've been un-nested and taking up it's own little footprint on the bench.  She  then disrobed, put her dirty clothes on the bench, and walked into the shower leaving all her crap all over the bench.  She was literally taking up 1/6th (I think - there might be 7 benches) of the bench space in the ENTIRE ROOM while she showered.  After I weighed in and showered and came back she was standing at the sink and yes, everything was still totally spread out all over the bench.  Oh, I also noticed that the inside of the "private" changing room (There are 2 of these in the locker room) was open on the door that goes to our aisle but locked on the side that opens to the other aisle.  Since she was the only person in the aisle besides me, I'm making a leap to think that she must've left it locked on that side when she left.  That is so annoying.  It means the person on the locked side has to walk around the whole locker section to get in the open side.  I haven't seen her in the room before so maybe she was just visiting from her evil lair somewhere.  If she sticks around I may have to develop some superpowers of my own to deal with the situation.  (Like Captain Maturity who is able to say nicely to someone "Hey, would you mind terribly if I used some of the bench here for a bit?" without sneering too badly.)

This past weekend, I went out for Sushi And The Suburb and then followed it up with Sex And The City.  (Gosh I feel so clever!)  My girlfriends and I culminated our TV Series marathon by all attending the movie together.  We met first for dinner at 4:30 so that we could eat first and then watch the movie and then two of the ladies running Sunday morning could get an early night in.  (Nope, I didn't run - didn't even know about it although the hubby has been whining about the lack of time I've had at home so I didn't even consider crashing the run at the last minute.)  We had dinner at Crave in the Edina Galleria.  I'm not usually a big sushi person - IE - I like it OK but not enough to justify spending so much $$ on a single meal of it.  To me, it's like if Mac N'Cheese was $50/plate - even if it was the Kraft fake cheese which is the only edible way of making Mac N'Cheese I wouldn't be willing to pay $50/plate for it.  Anyway, we were all out in our fancy shoes   (I'm wearing those today actually at work!) and I wanted to be 'big time' so I ate and enjoyed sushi.  We then went to the movie and OH MY!  There were a LOT of women all doing what we were doing.  It was pretty crazy but we were lucky and got 7 amazing seats all next to each other.  The movie itself was good.  It did have some draggy moments when I wanted something to HAPPEN and overall it had very much the quality of watching a TV show in the movie theatre because they canceled the show and wouldn't let us watch it on TV anymore.  Plus - not having the ability to MST3K it like I normally do with all my friends there was much less fun.  I had to sit on my "She has toothpaste in her hair!" comment when she came out in her wedding dress with her hair done up THE WHOLE MOVIE!  I did find out when I got home that I missed (or rather, my car missed) the massive hail and tornado storm that went through my area while I was out.  No actual tornados, but the kids talked a lot about the sirens and such.

I s'pose eventually I'm going to have to address the fact that I'm at 162.  Since I was at 162 on Sat when I worked out before the movie, I'm not too upset about it now.  I am more motivated to say out of frustration that I'm BACK to working it hard to actually lose because I'm irritated that I'm so far from the 156 I had achieved.  I have to step back though and realize that I'm still under the 170 goal - and indeed even under the 164 second goal for the 24 BMI still.  I'm OK with working to get lower again - it isn't that - it is just that I don't know that I want to spend my life THINKING I'm overweight and feeling fat just because there is always another number I'd like to be.  I have FELT fat my whole life.  I've NOT been fat really all that much.  I just hate always fighting it.  I have to honestly wonder if I would be content and happy with myself even if I did lose another 5 or 10 or whatever.  Would I?  Maybe.  I could make an argument for that.  I'm still in size 12s and I'd love to be a more respectable 8.  I hated shopping for shorts on Friday and having to buy the 12s because the 10s were just a T-A-D too tight.    Maybe though, I'd just want to be a size 6 if I ever got 8.  It's just hard to say.  At any rate, the going up is just no good at all so I'm going to have to be more on guard about it all.  That includes tonight.  Today is Jessie's 4th birthday and she has asked for a pink strawberry ice-cream cake.  It just so happens that Cold Stone Creamery has a small round pink Strawberry Passion cake in the freezer section with Jessie's name on it (literally).

Posted by robynanne at 1:48 PM CDT
Friday, 30 May 2008
Resistant To Change

Weight: 161.0 lbs.

Not going up, not going down. Well, not going up a lot, anyway. 161. And to think I was so scared. I will admit that I only ran 3 miles today. I was running late because I left my shampoo and conditioner at my mom's house so I had to stop at the drugstore and pick up some of that.

I have the world's thickest hair. Really. I haven't called Ripley's or the World Record book people or anything but I'm pretty sure I do, in fact, have the world's thickest hair ever. Way back in high school we had a section in our biology class where we were learning to use the microscope to measure things. We were supposed to measure how thick our hair was. The teacher would not believe that I was doing it right based on the thickness measurements of my hair but I was. Also, just to make extra sure I have the world's thickest hair, I have literally THREE strands growing from every follicle or whatever it is called. You can even see that on my arms and such but I'm very lucky in that the hair growing elsewhere than my head is quite blonde and thin and not a big deal. I could go for pretty much ever without shaving my legs and not many would notice. Anyway, I think my point has been made. Thick hair. It is also beaded which just means that the strands are not just straight, they have a bumpy texture to them. Basically, you could take the giantest ponytail holder you could think of and only put it around my ponytail once. When I use a straightening iron on it, it gets slick and lovely and wonderful. When I do not, it is frizzy and afro-like and horrid. I really really hope no one finds anything derogatory about this but I find that products intended for more ethnic women work best in my hair. I found this conditioner that actually said on the bottle "For women of color" and I was pretty excited. Now, however, I find that it is a little weird walking around the gym with hair products that advertise very clearly that they are for "women of color". Because I am THE whitest, dorkiest woman in MN ever, it seems very incongruous to me to have that. Either way, no matter what I use, my hair always seems to be frizzy and horrid unless I beat it into submission with hours of ironing flat.

Whatever - hair products purchased, I made it to the gym and started my workout shortly after 7AM. Yep, running late. I managed my 3 miles and even did it under 30 minutes and finished out the 30 minutes at I think 8.6 MPH just to see if I could do it. I'm still tempted to try that 14 MPH that they did on the Biggest Loser but I fear falling on my face and getting 'treadmill burn' as the machine keeps going.

It was then time for the weigh in I've been dreading for about a week now. When I don't weigh in for long periods of time, I get very nervous. Plus, I've been feeling extra fat and I know I haven't been as good as I should've. I was terrified. Well, 161 was not that bad. It is nice that as long as my body is going to be stubborn about going down any more, it will also be stubborn about going up. I personally think that this is because my current weight has been attained via a lot of working out and eating a lot of HEALTHY foods and not just 'dieting'. This isn't just my theory, I've read it in magazines that are mostly written by people that know what they are talking about - or at least - that's what I think. If you lose weight by simply restricting calories, your metabolism knows what you are up to and has no intention of changing your set point. If you lose weight by changing the content of your calories to high nutrient whole foods and by toning and filling out your muscles and making your heart stronger, your body owns that weight more consistently. Anyway, I hope that is the case. I'm happy that I don't have a ton of ground to make up again. It would be nice to get back to the 156 I saw again. We shall see. I'm on the verge of another weekend. I will be seeing the Sex And The City movie with my girlfriends this weekend so I already know I won't be a saint.

Posted by robynanne at 2:47 PM CDT
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Wood Ticks, Court, and Liquor Stores

Things have been busy around here! I think it has been at least a week since I've been to the gym and I need to get back into that. Not that I have been lounging around or anything. I've gotten in 2 runs in the neighborhood and some biking and some hiking. Not enough to make up for eating like I'm trying to store up trans fats to hibernate for the next 3 years. The biking was honestly more for gas conservation as I did some errands around my neighborhood but it was still exercise. I biked up to the liquor store to pick out some nice bottles of wine to bring to my mom's house as part of her anniversary gift. If you've never biked to a liquor store with a backpack on your back to carry your stash of alcohol home in, lucky you. I'm pretty sure everyone that saw me was ready to sign me up for AA after my obvious license revocation due to too many DUIs. Well, except for the people that saw how clearly out of my element I was in the liquor store. I do hope I got them a nice bottle that they will enjoy because I wouldn't know a Yellow Tail from a Conundrum from a Barefoot or a Smoking Loon even if you gave me their names in pig latin before blindfolding me for the taste test.

The feeling I have of being off the path of righteousness with my health is pretty bad. It isn't the exercise though - even with the lack I've been having. I understand things in life take priority sometimes. It is the way that I mindlessly eat when snacks are available - and they sure have been! Car trips and camping had us buying 'snacks'. While everyone else was sitting around talking and being social and not eating, I was constantly needing to have something in my hands to snack on. It was creepy how I KNEW I was doing it while I did it. I don't typically have stuff like that around for just that reason. There is a part of me though that just says - oh well. You've lost a lot of weight and you know how to get to where you need to be and how to be healthy so if some vacation time and stressful court time (the past week's events - family court stuff - no actual DUIs!!) come along and have you gain a little you can just go back to normal life and bring it back down. I know I can so I have to just not stress about thinking that old obese person is trying to suck me back into her life.

So, family court stuff. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers, all ranging in age from high school to, well, you can ask Tammi (my big sister) how old she is. I hear the elderly don't like giving those details out. We all got together in my mini-van (which was cleaned out for the occasion and had all 3 car seats removed) to drive a 2 hour trip out to Hicksville USA for this thing. We sat around pretty much not doing anything for ALL FREAKING DAY. Well, unless you count learning such things as
http://wedocows.com is actually a store and setting off the courtroom metal detector with our underwire bras excitement. We then drove another 2 hours to get back. It was great to be with my sisters as they don't live in the state and I don't get to see them often. It just would've been more fun if it were for, ya know, gallivanting or something.

I seem to be writing this backwards in time, with the recent stuff first and the earlier stuff last. Since it's my blog, I'm gonna say deal with it. Memorial day was a fun camping trip my friend Jeanette invited us on. I was very leery about how well all five of us would do with the grown-ups being outnumbered by children 3-2 on this trip. I wasn't so worried about Jessie as she generally sticks near us and finds ways to have fun. Gavin and Asher, on the other hand, can be a handful. Asher actually did fairly well. He enjoyed playing in the dirt and was happy to see another baby there that he could hug, hand cars to, and pile dirt on. Oh the courtships of toddlers… it reminds me of college. He also developed a strange love for running through weedy areas which drove me crazy because of wood ticks and itch weed. (My husband is paranoid about poison ivy. Since I've never experienced poison ivy but HAVE experienced the thrill of rubbing bare legs through itch weed patches - my plant of choice for camping paranoia is itch weed.) I had to keep running after him and bringing him back to the cleared areas.

Gavin was having trouble staying away from the fire. He was bored for the most part and I felt bad about that because he couldn't go off and do anything without someone there and we were all so busy watching the other kids or trying to visit with our friends that going off on hikes all over the place wasn't going to happen. We did do three hikes, 2 with the big groups and 1 with just me and him moments before the massive rainstorm hit. The whole trip was really busy and chaotic for him (i.e. - off from his normal routine - i.e. - a normal vacation) which made it very hard to stay focused and in the moment and his impulse control that we work so hard on was taking a hit… thus the trouble staying away from the fire pit. I feel so bad for him when this happens because how sucky would it be to end every single vacation grounded? But - being consistent as you have to be - that is exactly what he brought back from the trip. I was getting a little irritated because I think other adults assumed that since we were not publicly humiliating Gavin for his lapses in control we were not doing anything at all. I also think that they were assuming that since he kept doing it, we were not doing anything at all to help him learn better control. Not really an assumption that works well with an ADHD kid. Heck, if one "OK, you didn't listen, now you have the consequences to deal with." was all it took - I don't think there would even be a term for ADHD as no one would notice.

Anyway, I'm not going to sour a fun camping trip by dwelling on it. Gavin still talks about how much he loved hiking to Eagle Peak and we all saw cacti (YES, in MINNESOTA!**Correction - WISCONSIN**) at the top. I ended up driving home Sat night with Asher and Jessie while Kris slept there and I was going to get to sleep there (and thus hang out with my friends at night) Sunday night while Kris brought Asher home to sleep in his crib - but Sunday took a turn for the worse with the weather and we packed everything up just before the rain and hail hit. Well, not everything. We had one big tent out that we all huddled under to share our last spaghetti meal with. We couldn't find the forks since it was all packed up so the kids sat on the floor of the tent eating spaghetti with spoons. Oh, and the tick count for the weekend was FIVE! I found one on Asher, one on Gavin, and three on myself. Why on me when the kids were the ones running through the weeds, I do not know. I'll have you know though that there are two things in this world that I absolutely totally completely get creeped out by. Woodticks, and leeches. A very close 3rd is drool which a certain dog named Sam was happy to provide this weekend. I still get the shivers when I think about those ticks crawling around.

After we got home we found out how close we were to some very serious tornados. The "could've"s are pretty scary but we all were quite lucky and safe. Our house was missing some shingles but that was all. One family that was in the storm's path lost their little 2 year old. I hate hearing about that. I still remember a tornado that took a little baby out of her mother's arms back when Gavin was little. We have been very fortunate to not have any real storm experience in our lives.

So here I am, back at work today. Very tired but very ready to get back to normal life.

Posted by robynanne at 12:01 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 May 2008 3:45 PM CDT

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