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Welcome to my blog. I'm Robyn. I was born in October '74 (so I don't have to keep upping my age every year.) I'm married to Kris, my military guy that married me, a pagan hippie. I have 4 children, 3 living, I work fulltime as an IT business analyst (aka - computer dork) and I have worked very hard to get out from under obesity. This blog was originally about the weight loss journey, however now it is about my life. After having lost my 2nd child, Anily, during her full term delivery after a perfectly normal pregnancy, I got involved in a group called "Missing Grace". That is a group that helps people through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility, and adoption. Through this group I found an agency that helped me to DO SOMETHING about all the infertility I saw around me every day. I am in the beginning of a surrogacy journey in which I will be the gestational carrier. I've never done this before so I have to admit I don't know all of what I'm about to take on. I guess we'll find out. In the meantime, I'll blog about my life. My stillbirth, parenting, weightloss, maintaining, working, surrogacy, whatever else happens, life.

The Human Race 8K - 56:17
The Bunker Hills Run 8K - 50:20
Eagan Fun Run 2 mile - 20:05, 5 mile - 54:07

Operation Life
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
So if she weighs the same as a duck...


While I was running this morning there was a news program about gay marriages. I didn't catch much of it because the treadmills are far from the screens and I can't read the captioning at the bottom very well. The one thing I caught was something about "opponents of gay marriages have gained" What did they gain? I don't know. Frankly, if it had said "A brain and stopped being so insane and dropped the whole issue." I'd have totally rejoiced. I suspect, however, that it was something much darker for America. OK, here's the thing - in general, I believe the people that oppose gay marriages do so because their religious terms for marriage do not support two people of the same gender being married in that religion. Well, so what? Their terms for marriage also do not support two witches that have conspired with a Wiccan (yep, actually Wiccan this time - AND nuttier than a fruit bat, I might add) priest and his WIFE, a Wiccan priestess (She was not so nutty, but she did have a broken leg and you can kinda see the cast under her robes in the pictures if you look) to use the large broadsword that I (I mean she, the female witch-bride) bought as a wedding gift for her witch-groom and draw a circle around the wedding location. Then we called forth the guardians of the watchtowers of the North, East, South, West - the spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water - and of course, the Goddess, Mother Earth and the God, Father Sun, to witness and participate in our marriage. I mean - in their marriage. I mean Hand-fasting. We then jumped over, back, and over a broom again before walking back down the aisle to greet our guests. We didn't even call it a wedding - it was a Hand Fasting. However because Kris has a penis and I do not, none of that other totally NOT Christian stuff apparently matters. This, to me, means their argument is bunk. I mean, pick a freaking stance and stick to it logically and fully if you are going to, for crying out loud. If the only LEGAL marriages should be Judeo-Christian (or Muslim or whatever religions are going to be included here) marriages - then at least make that your running stance. But they DON'T. Why? Because they know that it would be pushing too many people too far. Pick a battle you have a chance at winning - and thus the poor gays get all the grief while we witches get to hang our marriage certificate on the wall in a frame. Which is interesting really - considering in the past witches have just gotten to hang and I'm pretty sure gay people would sometimes float if tossed in a lake too.

I would, by the way, get into the whole issue of separation of Church and State, but I happen to know that 99.9% of the people that think gay people should not be legally allowed to marry ALSO think the church, correction, THEIR church, and the state should be downright pre-marital lovers. Thus, it is a moot point to argue. The other 0.1% is clearly confused and probably thinks they are voting on how it should be illegal to dress Chihuahuas up in tiny little tuxedos because damn, how much humiliation should a dog have to endure?

And thus my day starts. Incidentally, I am REALLY REALLY tired because I've been staying up way past my bedtime trying to catch up on the shows recorded on my DVR. I turned it on the other day to start a Dora show for Jessie while I got Asher put to bed and it screamed something at me about expectations and attention and SAYING I want to watch a show and then getting 5 episodes behind. I just finished off the last episode of "The Love Boat" and "Cheers" so I'm making a real dent - that was really sad about Gopher though - that's all I'll say about that so I don't ruin it for anyone else. When I go to bed past 10 (or 11, or 12), it is really hard to get up in the 5ish range. Then it is really hard to get into my workout. I did it though. I ran 5 whole miles this morning and I even finished at 49:29. I'm starting to think my shoes are showing some wear because my feet are starting to not like the running. I've been kinda hobbling around today as my right heel feels a little bruised. Of course, I'm certain it had nothing to do with walking around all day yesterday in 3 inch heels when I don't normally wear heels.

Ultra-Bitch (I've changed her name. This one is more fun) was in the locker room again today. She wears bright orange cotton thong underwear. Once she got dressed I still couldn't take her seriously because I kept seeing those thongs in my mind. She was also taking up slightly less of the bench today so I didn't get to practice my super negotiating talents and suggest we clear off a little corner and call it Robyn-land.

We are now a week and 3 days out from having potential egg donor activity. I've heard a rumor that once that happens, I'm supposed to start taking some kind of medication. I don't know what or how much so I figure I could just go to the pharmacy and ask for the grab-bag special. I swear this agency thrives on keeping me as much in the dark as possible… that… or they just like paying extra to overnight meds to me while knowing that I'm freaking out because I have no idea what comes next. Our egg donor has also just NOW been sent her STD testing kit which she has to complete before we can do anything. Now, we've HAD 2-3 weeks for this to have been done but it has not. Instead we are doing a rush order on it to make sure everything is back in time. I have never wanted to start my own company more in my life. Seriously, THIS is an internationally renown agency? Anyway, I feel bad griping about it all. I don't honestly mind so much for myself and when I do it, my boys think I'm being stressed out by it all when I am not. Honestly, I just can't pass up the humor opportunity their customer service provides.

BTW - speaking about fertility and surrogacy stuff - I'd just like to make a shout out about the Sex And The City movie/show for those of you going through that that might be having an aneurism because of the way infertility is dealt with by them. I mean, she (Charlotte) is given a 15% chance of naturally getting pregnant due to her cervical fluid being anti-sperm. She takes this as a death sentence for any possible pregnancy when DUH, 15% chance is nearly NORMAL and pretty damn high. Then she adopts which is awesome but she finds herself pregnant in the movie (this is in the previews so I'm not disclosing anything secret.) She gushes about how all she had to do was adopt and stop thinking about it and she got pregnant! Whoo hoo! Well, in real life, people that have infertility issues are not given such a generous 15% shot. Also in real life, when there are real infertility issues, just relaxing and not thinking about it are not going to make real medical issues go away. Thankfully, for my boys dealing with infertility, no one has ever been dumb enough to say "Just relax and it will happen naturally, why all the medical intervention?" Well, because duh really. But when the couple is not two guys (or two women) the general idea is that given time, it will just happen. Truthfully, many people dealing with infertility have actual medical reasons why they are NOT any MORE likely than two gay guys to conceive just by relaxing. The SATC show just kinda spat in the face of infertility when they could've really had an opportunity to deal with a very real issue. That was disappointing. Not that I think they are responsible for educating the public on infertility so I don't really care that much. I guess I just wanted to say… ya… wow… that wasn't so cool of them was it?

I'll sign off now. I'm hoping I wrote about enough hot buttons that more people will feel inclined to enter comments. :) Hey, I'm a grown up. I can take it. What have ya got to say??

Posted by robynanne at 1:46 PM CDT
Monday, 2 June 2008
Mistress Ultra-Uncouth

Weight: 162

I met my nemesis today in the locker room.  I walked into my aisle and there she was.  Each aisle has about 50 lockers or so and a bench.  Each bench is big enough that probably 6 people could comfortably sit and be using the bench with plenty of personal space.  Probably more like 20 people could sit on a bench if they were right on top of each other.  This woman had her locker door open and her card in it but the locker was empty.  ALL of her stuff, including her EMPTY gym bag was spread out all over the bench.  There was literally not a single space for me to set my small folded up towel on while I changed out of my workout clothes.  I mean, she had everything out - if she'd have packed a Russian nesting doll in her gym bag each and every one of those dolls would've been un-nested and taking up it's own little footprint on the bench.  She  then disrobed, put her dirty clothes on the bench, and walked into the shower leaving all her crap all over the bench.  She was literally taking up 1/6th (I think - there might be 7 benches) of the bench space in the ENTIRE ROOM while she showered.  After I weighed in and showered and came back she was standing at the sink and yes, everything was still totally spread out all over the bench.  Oh, I also noticed that the inside of the "private" changing room (There are 2 of these in the locker room) was open on the door that goes to our aisle but locked on the side that opens to the other aisle.  Since she was the only person in the aisle besides me, I'm making a leap to think that she must've left it locked on that side when she left.  That is so annoying.  It means the person on the locked side has to walk around the whole locker section to get in the open side.  I haven't seen her in the room before so maybe she was just visiting from her evil lair somewhere.  If she sticks around I may have to develop some superpowers of my own to deal with the situation.  (Like Captain Maturity who is able to say nicely to someone "Hey, would you mind terribly if I used some of the bench here for a bit?" without sneering too badly.)

This past weekend, I went out for Sushi And The Suburb and then followed it up with Sex And The City.  (Gosh I feel so clever!)  My girlfriends and I culminated our TV Series marathon by all attending the movie together.  We met first for dinner at 4:30 so that we could eat first and then watch the movie and then two of the ladies running Sunday morning could get an early night in.  (Nope, I didn't run - didn't even know about it although the hubby has been whining about the lack of time I've had at home so I didn't even consider crashing the run at the last minute.)  We had dinner at Crave in the Edina Galleria.  I'm not usually a big sushi person - IE - I like it OK but not enough to justify spending so much $$ on a single meal of it.  To me, it's like if Mac N'Cheese was $50/plate - even if it was the Kraft fake cheese which is the only edible way of making Mac N'Cheese I wouldn't be willing to pay $50/plate for it.  Anyway, we were all out in our fancy shoes   (I'm wearing those today actually at work!) and I wanted to be 'big time' so I ate and enjoyed sushi.  We then went to the movie and OH MY!  There were a LOT of women all doing what we were doing.  It was pretty crazy but we were lucky and got 7 amazing seats all next to each other.  The movie itself was good.  It did have some draggy moments when I wanted something to HAPPEN and overall it had very much the quality of watching a TV show in the movie theatre because they canceled the show and wouldn't let us watch it on TV anymore.  Plus - not having the ability to MST3K it like I normally do with all my friends there was much less fun.  I had to sit on my "She has toothpaste in her hair!" comment when she came out in her wedding dress with her hair done up THE WHOLE MOVIE!  I did find out when I got home that I missed (or rather, my car missed) the massive hail and tornado storm that went through my area while I was out.  No actual tornados, but the kids talked a lot about the sirens and such.

I s'pose eventually I'm going to have to address the fact that I'm at 162.  Since I was at 162 on Sat when I worked out before the movie, I'm not too upset about it now.  I am more motivated to say out of frustration that I'm BACK to working it hard to actually lose because I'm irritated that I'm so far from the 156 I had achieved.  I have to step back though and realize that I'm still under the 170 goal - and indeed even under the 164 second goal for the 24 BMI still.  I'm OK with working to get lower again - it isn't that - it is just that I don't know that I want to spend my life THINKING I'm overweight and feeling fat just because there is always another number I'd like to be.  I have FELT fat my whole life.  I've NOT been fat really all that much.  I just hate always fighting it.  I have to honestly wonder if I would be content and happy with myself even if I did lose another 5 or 10 or whatever.  Would I?  Maybe.  I could make an argument for that.  I'm still in size 12s and I'd love to be a more respectable 8.  I hated shopping for shorts on Friday and having to buy the 12s because the 10s were just a T-A-D too tight.    Maybe though, I'd just want to be a size 6 if I ever got 8.  It's just hard to say.  At any rate, the going up is just no good at all so I'm going to have to be more on guard about it all.  That includes tonight.  Today is Jessie's 4th birthday and she has asked for a pink strawberry ice-cream cake.  It just so happens that Cold Stone Creamery has a small round pink Strawberry Passion cake in the freezer section with Jessie's name on it (literally).

Posted by robynanne at 1:48 PM CDT
Friday, 30 May 2008
Resistant To Change

Weight: 161.0 lbs.

Not going up, not going down. Well, not going up a lot, anyway. 161. And to think I was so scared. I will admit that I only ran 3 miles today. I was running late because I left my shampoo and conditioner at my mom's house so I had to stop at the drugstore and pick up some of that.

I have the world's thickest hair. Really. I haven't called Ripley's or the World Record book people or anything but I'm pretty sure I do, in fact, have the world's thickest hair ever. Way back in high school we had a section in our biology class where we were learning to use the microscope to measure things. We were supposed to measure how thick our hair was. The teacher would not believe that I was doing it right based on the thickness measurements of my hair but I was. Also, just to make extra sure I have the world's thickest hair, I have literally THREE strands growing from every follicle or whatever it is called. You can even see that on my arms and such but I'm very lucky in that the hair growing elsewhere than my head is quite blonde and thin and not a big deal. I could go for pretty much ever without shaving my legs and not many would notice. Anyway, I think my point has been made. Thick hair. It is also beaded which just means that the strands are not just straight, they have a bumpy texture to them. Basically, you could take the giantest ponytail holder you could think of and only put it around my ponytail once. When I use a straightening iron on it, it gets slick and lovely and wonderful. When I do not, it is frizzy and afro-like and horrid. I really really hope no one finds anything derogatory about this but I find that products intended for more ethnic women work best in my hair. I found this conditioner that actually said on the bottle "For women of color" and I was pretty excited. Now, however, I find that it is a little weird walking around the gym with hair products that advertise very clearly that they are for "women of color". Because I am THE whitest, dorkiest woman in MN ever, it seems very incongruous to me to have that. Either way, no matter what I use, my hair always seems to be frizzy and horrid unless I beat it into submission with hours of ironing flat.

Whatever - hair products purchased, I made it to the gym and started my workout shortly after 7AM. Yep, running late. I managed my 3 miles and even did it under 30 minutes and finished out the 30 minutes at I think 8.6 MPH just to see if I could do it. I'm still tempted to try that 14 MPH that they did on the Biggest Loser but I fear falling on my face and getting 'treadmill burn' as the machine keeps going.

It was then time for the weigh in I've been dreading for about a week now. When I don't weigh in for long periods of time, I get very nervous. Plus, I've been feeling extra fat and I know I haven't been as good as I should've. I was terrified. Well, 161 was not that bad. It is nice that as long as my body is going to be stubborn about going down any more, it will also be stubborn about going up. I personally think that this is because my current weight has been attained via a lot of working out and eating a lot of HEALTHY foods and not just 'dieting'. This isn't just my theory, I've read it in magazines that are mostly written by people that know what they are talking about - or at least - that's what I think. If you lose weight by simply restricting calories, your metabolism knows what you are up to and has no intention of changing your set point. If you lose weight by changing the content of your calories to high nutrient whole foods and by toning and filling out your muscles and making your heart stronger, your body owns that weight more consistently. Anyway, I hope that is the case. I'm happy that I don't have a ton of ground to make up again. It would be nice to get back to the 156 I saw again. We shall see. I'm on the verge of another weekend. I will be seeing the Sex And The City movie with my girlfriends this weekend so I already know I won't be a saint.

Posted by robynanne at 2:47 PM CDT
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Wood Ticks, Court, and Liquor Stores

Things have been busy around here! I think it has been at least a week since I've been to the gym and I need to get back into that. Not that I have been lounging around or anything. I've gotten in 2 runs in the neighborhood and some biking and some hiking. Not enough to make up for eating like I'm trying to store up trans fats to hibernate for the next 3 years. The biking was honestly more for gas conservation as I did some errands around my neighborhood but it was still exercise. I biked up to the liquor store to pick out some nice bottles of wine to bring to my mom's house as part of her anniversary gift. If you've never biked to a liquor store with a backpack on your back to carry your stash of alcohol home in, lucky you. I'm pretty sure everyone that saw me was ready to sign me up for AA after my obvious license revocation due to too many DUIs. Well, except for the people that saw how clearly out of my element I was in the liquor store. I do hope I got them a nice bottle that they will enjoy because I wouldn't know a Yellow Tail from a Conundrum from a Barefoot or a Smoking Loon even if you gave me their names in pig latin before blindfolding me for the taste test.

The feeling I have of being off the path of righteousness with my health is pretty bad. It isn't the exercise though - even with the lack I've been having. I understand things in life take priority sometimes. It is the way that I mindlessly eat when snacks are available - and they sure have been! Car trips and camping had us buying 'snacks'. While everyone else was sitting around talking and being social and not eating, I was constantly needing to have something in my hands to snack on. It was creepy how I KNEW I was doing it while I did it. I don't typically have stuff like that around for just that reason. There is a part of me though that just says - oh well. You've lost a lot of weight and you know how to get to where you need to be and how to be healthy so if some vacation time and stressful court time (the past week's events - family court stuff - no actual DUIs!!) come along and have you gain a little you can just go back to normal life and bring it back down. I know I can so I have to just not stress about thinking that old obese person is trying to suck me back into her life.

So, family court stuff. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers, all ranging in age from high school to, well, you can ask Tammi (my big sister) how old she is. I hear the elderly don't like giving those details out. We all got together in my mini-van (which was cleaned out for the occasion and had all 3 car seats removed) to drive a 2 hour trip out to Hicksville USA for this thing. We sat around pretty much not doing anything for ALL FREAKING DAY. Well, unless you count learning such things as
http://wedocows.com is actually a store and setting off the courtroom metal detector with our underwire bras excitement. We then drove another 2 hours to get back. It was great to be with my sisters as they don't live in the state and I don't get to see them often. It just would've been more fun if it were for, ya know, gallivanting or something.

I seem to be writing this backwards in time, with the recent stuff first and the earlier stuff last. Since it's my blog, I'm gonna say deal with it. Memorial day was a fun camping trip my friend Jeanette invited us on. I was very leery about how well all five of us would do with the grown-ups being outnumbered by children 3-2 on this trip. I wasn't so worried about Jessie as she generally sticks near us and finds ways to have fun. Gavin and Asher, on the other hand, can be a handful. Asher actually did fairly well. He enjoyed playing in the dirt and was happy to see another baby there that he could hug, hand cars to, and pile dirt on. Oh the courtships of toddlers… it reminds me of college. He also developed a strange love for running through weedy areas which drove me crazy because of wood ticks and itch weed. (My husband is paranoid about poison ivy. Since I've never experienced poison ivy but HAVE experienced the thrill of rubbing bare legs through itch weed patches - my plant of choice for camping paranoia is itch weed.) I had to keep running after him and bringing him back to the cleared areas.

Gavin was having trouble staying away from the fire. He was bored for the most part and I felt bad about that because he couldn't go off and do anything without someone there and we were all so busy watching the other kids or trying to visit with our friends that going off on hikes all over the place wasn't going to happen. We did do three hikes, 2 with the big groups and 1 with just me and him moments before the massive rainstorm hit. The whole trip was really busy and chaotic for him (i.e. - off from his normal routine - i.e. - a normal vacation) which made it very hard to stay focused and in the moment and his impulse control that we work so hard on was taking a hit… thus the trouble staying away from the fire pit. I feel so bad for him when this happens because how sucky would it be to end every single vacation grounded? But - being consistent as you have to be - that is exactly what he brought back from the trip. I was getting a little irritated because I think other adults assumed that since we were not publicly humiliating Gavin for his lapses in control we were not doing anything at all. I also think that they were assuming that since he kept doing it, we were not doing anything at all to help him learn better control. Not really an assumption that works well with an ADHD kid. Heck, if one "OK, you didn't listen, now you have the consequences to deal with." was all it took - I don't think there would even be a term for ADHD as no one would notice.

Anyway, I'm not going to sour a fun camping trip by dwelling on it. Gavin still talks about how much he loved hiking to Eagle Peak and we all saw cacti (YES, in MINNESOTA!**Correction - WISCONSIN**) at the top. I ended up driving home Sat night with Asher and Jessie while Kris slept there and I was going to get to sleep there (and thus hang out with my friends at night) Sunday night while Kris brought Asher home to sleep in his crib - but Sunday took a turn for the worse with the weather and we packed everything up just before the rain and hail hit. Well, not everything. We had one big tent out that we all huddled under to share our last spaghetti meal with. We couldn't find the forks since it was all packed up so the kids sat on the floor of the tent eating spaghetti with spoons. Oh, and the tick count for the weekend was FIVE! I found one on Asher, one on Gavin, and three on myself. Why on me when the kids were the ones running through the weeds, I do not know. I'll have you know though that there are two things in this world that I absolutely totally completely get creeped out by. Woodticks, and leeches. A very close 3rd is drool which a certain dog named Sam was happy to provide this weekend. I still get the shivers when I think about those ticks crawling around.

After we got home we found out how close we were to some very serious tornados. The "could've"s are pretty scary but we all were quite lucky and safe. Our house was missing some shingles but that was all. One family that was in the storm's path lost their little 2 year old. I hate hearing about that. I still remember a tornado that took a little baby out of her mother's arms back when Gavin was little. We have been very fortunate to not have any real storm experience in our lives.

So here I am, back at work today. Very tired but very ready to get back to normal life.

Posted by robynanne at 12:01 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 May 2008 3:45 PM CDT
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Awkward Moments

Weight: 160

 You know those moments. Times when everything conspires to leave you just not too sure about how to get out of a situation with your dignity 100% attached. Ya, I didn't have that today. What I DID have was far less interesting and yet still evidently fun enough for me to blog about. It must be a slow day.

If you recall, I have been a tad apprehensive about being able to maintain a timely cycle after 2 months of being on hormone-controlling (as well as mind controlling) pharmaceuticals. I was all set to go late this month and to bemoaning the absences of good old Aunt Flo sometime early next week. Instead, I was joyously (and I use that phrase in the totally opposite possible meaning) surprised this morning to find that I'm EARLY. Instead of a few anxiety filled days at the end of May, I get to deal with female issues while camping this weekend. With all three kids. In a tent with sleeping bags. And an outhouse. (Um, Jeanette, there IS an outhouse, right?) You might want to back up now because I need some space to do my dance of joy. (And I use that word in the exact opposite possible meaning.)

Yay. Today is Cycle Day 1. Since we're now starting with a new egg donor and she now needs to go get her round of STD testing before we can get started, this means I'm starting yet another cycle of totally wasted nothingness and hopefully (HOPEFULLY!) with the NEXT CD1 I can start the Lupron (I know my brain cells are ready for another vacation) and Estrace and hopefully there will be a transfer shortly there-after. What all that means is that this is just a regular old boring CD1 with no fun drugs to shoot up. What I DO get to do though, is partake in the company perk of having free female supplies in all the restrooms. I don't know what they give the guys in their bathrooms, but in ours there are vending machines that spit out tampons and pads every time you turn the knob absolutely for free.

As it turns out, I'm a little short handed on these items at the moment. I try to keep them stocked in my gym bag because that goes everywhere I go thus, I'd never be without. Well, I stopped in the restroom today hoping to grab a few things to put in my bag for tomorrow morning. I grab some of the items and bring them into the stall with me. Because I'm not about to just walk down the hall with a few single-use boxes of tampons and pads in my hands, I usually find somewhere to hide them. Generally my pockets work, but if I don't have pockets that will work, the back of my waistband is another good place. Today I'm wearing this tank top / sweater combo that is quite fun and quite TIGHT and there is no where on me that I could've placed those boxes that wouldn't be obvious. It was then that I realized that my pant legs flared out at the bottom. Around my calf and ankles they were quite big! Since I'm wearing trouser socks it was all too easy to fill out my stockings with my personal hygiene loot and pull my pant legs down to cover it and walk back to my desk. Yes, I am SO clever. At this point, I need to be sure that no one is walking by as I transfer the Aunt Flo booty into my laptop bag for later transfer to my gym bag. By now, of course, you've got to wonder why we go through all the fuss just to not let anyone see us actually admitting we use tampons. It does make you want to just walk down the hall holding them in your hands. I'm sure that would go over so very very well.

Despite my little surprise this morning, I had a very good day at the gym. I ran my 5 miles and I did almost all of it at 6.1 MPH. My time was 49:09 for all 5 miles!! In the last 7 days, I've now run 16 miles, and for the record, this is the FIRST TIME EVER for me to finish a 5 mile run in under 50 minutes. That was very exciting. I celebrated by getting my favorite breakfast (also healthy! Just not cheap) in the caf? at the gym. I had a kid's chocolate brownie cliff bar and a soymilk pineapple and banana shake. Now, they usually make the shakes with their frozen yogurt, and milk. You can ask for this protein powder too if you want. I hate the protein powder so I never do but they try to sneak it in and charge for it (without asking) whenever they can. Generally, when I ask for the soy shake and tell them to NOT put in the frozen yogurt (hello sugar), they do ask about using the soy protein. I can only assume they think I'm getting the soy version and asking for no yogurt because I either can't eat dairy, or I'm vegetarian. Since the regular soy powder has dairy in it, they must think I can't have that so they confirm that I want the soy. Blech - I hate the powder either way. This morning, the girl at the counter put the powder in without asking! Ugh! I was running late so I just took it but she totally messed with my favorite breakfast ever. Whatever - 49:09!!! YAY!!!

OK - I got the pics back from that experiment I did. I realized that I messed up and should've told them 40 pounds for the 165 pic, and not 30 pounds for the 175 pic. Since I don't actually think they pay attention to the amount they are told to take off, I'm not too worried. Seriously, I think it is just some goon with really bad Photoshop skills shaving off the outer edge of your body to whatever that person thinks is smaller. They don't change anything on the surface of the picture - i.e. smooth out skin tone, flatten tummies, slim down faces or collar bones, etc. Heck, send your picture to me. I can do that. "Patented process" HA! I've posted here my real 205 before, the virtual 175 and the real 175. You can judge for yourself.


Posted by robynanne at 2:40 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 May 2008 2:53 PM CDT
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Lose 30 pounds in 48 hours!

Weight: 161 

Imagine being able to look 30 pounds thinner overnight. Now you can! Well, in 48 hours as the advertisement says, anyway. This site: www.weightview.com let's you send them a picture of yourself and in 48 hours they will send it back with you looking however much thinner you told them to make you. WHOO HOO! LOL! Imagine, no, sorry, I can't make it to the reunion, but here is a picture of me for you to post! OK, this is free so I won't pick on them for the service. If they charged, I would, because what I've seen so far doesn't look like they did a good enough job for my nit-pickiness. I can see the value though, in inspiration to lose some of that weight. I've set up a little test. I sent in my swim-suit picture from when I was 205 pounds. You know, that series of every 10 pounds in the same outfit? In 48 hours, in theory, they will send me what I would look like at 175 pounds. (I told them to take 30 pounds off.) Then I can post the before and their after next to the REAL after and we can all see what we think. I'm predicting based on what I've seen them do so far that they will do a good job on my midsection and a bad job on my face and my limbs.

The results are posted from my Eagan Fun Run. Turns out I officially got 20:05 on the 2 mile and 54:07 for the 5 mile run. Just go to here: http://www.ci.eagan.mn.us/live/page.asp?menu=4820 and scroll down for the 2 and 5 mile results. I'm #118 and #180. I just wanted to point out for the record that on the 2-mile run I managed to tie if not outright pass #117 at the finish line but seeing as we were so close I didn't make a big deal about getting in front of her for the walk to the person to hand in our names. There is no way we were a whole second apart and if we were, I wasn't the one with the slower number. Because, ya know, that one second is totally a big deal and really matters in the grand scheme of things. Can't I just be the biggest brat sometimes?

The kids and I are trying to come up with a good time for a garage sale this summer. I've got tons of clothes to sell for me and the kids. Gavin thinks he is going to set up shop as a Yu-Gi-Oh card salesperson. He also wants to sell apples and pears and drinks. I'm thinking I can put our big plastic backyard swingset thing out and maybe get someone in the area to take it. What do you think? When's the best garage sale time?

Posted by robynanne at 2:05 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 May 2008 2:06 PM CDT
Monday, 19 May 2008
7 miles, 3 pounds

Weight: 163.0 lbs.

Ack! That's all I can think of to say on the weight. I mean, I've been eating mostly right and working out and trying to really pay attention to what I'm doing so that I could get back to the 150s and away from the scary 161. I get on the scale for the first time in awhile after working out away from the gym expecting to see a nice drop… or at least a normal toe-the-line same as every other day 160. It took my brain awhile to process the combination of the 1, 6, and 3. Seriously. That's just not right. And yet, it is what it is and I'm not in my life to dwell on that weight. Really though, when stuff like that happens while I'm working to go in the other direction, it tends to scare me. I mean, what would I do if in another 3 days, with the same level of activity, I go to 168? Where is my control? I don't really think that would happen - but the concepts and the what ifs kinda just hang out there.

I am very proud to say that I ran the full 7 miles in the Eagan Fun Run. Well, it was a 2 mile run and then a 5 mile run. Technically, I stopped to walk for about 25 seconds when they handed out water to drink the little cup without choking because really - I didn't want to tax my coordination at that point. The 2 mile run was really nice. It was through this residential area with lots of nice homes that I'd love to live in. A few hills which bugged me since I'm used to running on the perpetually flat land that could go on forever with my treadmill. There was this group of kids that were about Gavin's age (8) that all had bright red shirts on and were running the 2 mile run. Now, I really didn't want to kill myself with the 2 mile since I had a 5 mile to complete after but I also was determined to not let a certain couple of skinny little girls stay in front of me. I almost passed them on the big downhill section where I actually passed a number of people. Hey, taking giant leaps down the hill lets gravity do the work and I don't mind taking advantage of that. The girls, however, were still in front. It wasn't until we got to the last quarter mile that I finally passed them - wussy little kids! At the very end, there was this section of bike trail that led from the road to the finish line in the park. I tend to pick it up when I can see the finish line - mentally it feels like throwing myself across that line. There was this boy, maybe about 12 or so, in front of me on that bike path. He did not want me to pass him. I'd try to go around on one side, and he'd move over on the path to block me. I'd try to go on the other side, and he'd move over to the other side to block me. Then he picked up his pace so that it wasn't an issue anymore anyway. I didn't catch the time when I finished, but my friend there told me it was ~20:04 or so. Considering I was trying to run it slow enough that I'd not die for the 5 mile run, that was pretty impressive. We had about 10-13 minutes to walk a bit and then it was up to the starting line for the 5 mile.

Now, I know that I'm hardly the best runner or anything, but I have to say that I'm used to not being in the very back of any run. Usually, it seems, there are enough people there that are slower (and walking at least some of the way) such that I can feel securely in the middle of the pack. In this 5 mile run, my friend and I found ourselves dead last as we started out. She told me to go on ahead but really, for all that I was happy to look like I was being nice by running with her, I wasn't all that sure I had much 'ahead' in me. It was rough to start out that 5 mile after running the 2. It was more rough to feel like you were really trying hard and EVERYONE, including the mom pushing the 3-wide jogging stroller, was in front of you. Having that fire truck nipping at your heels is creepy. I would've loved to have taken it slower but ego-wise, I just couldn't. Plus, I didn't have my GPS with me and I wasn't entirely certain that if I DID stop to walk and lose the group completely, I'd be able to find my way back. So I ran to get back in the safety of the pack. I ran to stay on course. It was challenging. The self talk you do the whole way. Running past the houses as the people go out to watch the runners and knowing that I could not stop to walk in front of them, period. The sun was out and it was getting really bright on my face. The shady places were good but before long the sun was high enough that the fences along the bike paths weren't keeping it out of my eyes. I managed to burn my face just a bit. I don't know what it is… it isn't painful to run. If there was actual pain in running I'd understand why the drive to stop and walk is so intense. As it is, I don't. During that run in particular, it was just a matter of compartmentalizing that desire to stop and keeping it separate from the mechanics of running. Moving your arms and legs - setting those on a rhythm and leaving your brain to consider other things such as why that police officer back there just told you it was almost over and all downhill from here on out and she totally LIED because now you're going up a little slope. It is weird. I can see the draw to run those longer distances and to practice keeping that desire to stop down. To take control over what you are doing and to own those movements, and to beat that inner voice that wants to NOT do it. Well, 7 miles was absolutely long enough for me! I'll have to do that again and get better at the distances but as of right now, I was quite dead at the end. Dead enough to let Jeanette's dog french kiss me as I laid in the grass at the end anyway, so there you are. Oh, and I again missed my time but my friends told me it was about 53 minutes for that 5 miles… so 73 minutes or so for 7 miles.

I can honestly say that I did not expect to be sore after that run. I've been running 5 mile workouts so really, what's an extra 2 miles? Well, I was a little sore on Sunday. Today I went in and did a 3 mile run (27 minutes and something seconds!!) and I could feel the soreness and tightness while I stretched. The next run is at the end of June and judging by the 7 weeks out thing, I might be able to run that as well. We'll see though.

Last Friday I heard from the guys that it is for sure now that we are going with a new donor. I'm excited to find out where we are at now for everything. I'd have to imagine that it depends on where the donor and I are, cycle-wise. Theoretically, if it was just based on my cycle, we could do a transfer around the middle two weeks of June. It will be so nice to have a plan and schedule that we are all following along and know more or less what is going to happen. It almost sounds crazy to even think about at this point!

Posted by robynanne at 11:47 AM CDT
Friday, 16 May 2008
Menagerie of Thoughts

I have reconfirmed my belief that restaurants should HAVE to post calorie content for their meals somewhere easily accessible. You may recall that little Stuffed French Toast comment I made. Yes, I knew it was unhealthy. Well, I looked it up, and the sucker had 1500 calories!! If I had known that, there would've been NO WAY I'd have ordered it. Now, one might argue that we are all intelligent people here and we can obviously tell sugar and butter slathered french toast with blueberry pie filling and whipped cream cheese frosting oozing out of it is not going to be good for us. This is totally true. I KNEW as I was eating it that I was eating something bad. The sort of light-headed feeling I got partway through was a good indication although I was not sure that wasn't the ice melting onto my lap from the apple juice Asher had poured all over me after squeezing and crumpling his styrofoam cup just like some uber muscle man crushing his 8th can of beer. Hey, at least he didn't smash it against his forehead and say "I'm going to pump - you - up!" Anyway, I was OK with this as a one time thing. I did not know the actual number though. Somehow, knowing that number made the difference. I'd have never eaten it. Now, I'm not mad at the restaurant or anything like that. It is not their fault that I ate it. They can have whatever they want on the menu. I just think, as a tool for me, it would be better for my health to have those numbers made clear before I order. My impulse eating tendencies seem to really need the stats made clear to be held at bay.

People have been asking for surrogacy updates. I haven't been giving much because there's not much to give. I had thought the guys were set on changing egg donors however it turns out they decided to wait on some medical testing to make that choice. I do believe there will be a decision made today in that regard. Just on a whim - hey - if you happen to be signed up as an egg donor and not getting your period and are being really vague on all the details - feel free to leave a comment or send me an e-mail… I'd love to know what the heck is going on! Counting 7 weeks out from now we'd have the earliest transfer time to be July 4th although I'm not certain 7 weeks would still be accurate with a new donor. You know, I wasn't going to say anything about this - but my history has been that I've only gotten pregnant in Sept or Oct for all of my living babies. It has all been total coincidence - those have certainly not been the only months that we've tried. Back when the transfer was to be in April or May, I didn't bring it up because it sounded a bit morbid. Now that weird coincidences have brought us closer and closer to those months though, it does seem odd. Still, I'm really really hoping that we're not still trying to get pregnant come those months. This is pregnancy though, which means even with all the medical intervention, we're not in control of much so we'll just have to see what happens.

Yesterday I went for a long walk around the neighborhood as my 'workout'. I don't know how much actual 'work' was involved in it but it was interesting. I checked out all the bank-owned homes in the area. There were 3 of them. Kinda a sad thing to see. Although - 2 of them were never owned by any real people. They had been built along the busy road that connects the businesses to the residential areas near where I live. They were these single family units that looked more like NY row houses. They had garages in the back that were not attached to the house. None of these things sounds very appealing. Noisy, dirty road, lots of stairs in a mostly up and down house, NOT attached and NOT heated garage in MN… what were they thinking??? If I had no kids and never planned on having kids I might have considered it due to being in walking distance of the shops and everything… but if I had no kids and never planned on having kids and wanted to live like that, I'm thinking this particular northern suburb would not be my first choice of living places. Also, I'd never get over the not attached garage. I'm not shocked that the bank seized them from the builders. Poor bank really, because those are never going to sell. Anyway, that was my workout. Tonight I'll be aiming for that pasta dinner and an early night so that I can get up bright and early and drive to the Eagan Fun Run. Wish me luck!!

One last thing - I have to brag a little about my son. Yesterday was the review of Gavin's IEP at school. Everyone had very glowing things to say about Gavin so I'm very happy about that. Now, he still has the same teacher that has, on many occasions, accused me of being a bad parent to Gavin. She has no children and honestly she's kinda a nut job though so in as much as it is possible for a parent to not care about someone saying that to him or her (which is really hardly possible at all) I'm there. Now, all of you Minnesotans reading this may want to look away for a bit as I'm about to be really self praising. I believe that under MANY other people's parenting, Gavin would've had a MUCH different life. I think that the way that I am with him has kept him mostly positive and enthusiastic and trusting of the world when he has had a LOT of hardships to deal with. He has had plenty of reasons to get down on himself, to have little to no self esteem, and to stop trusting adults and authority completely, not to mention no longer trusting himself. When he cannot always control his impulses and he finds himself often doing exactly what he would like himself to NOT be doing and gets into trouble so very very often, how many kids would've internalized that to themselves? Now, I still have a few years left before he is a teen (Of which I am completely aware and grateful for every last second) so those years of angst will undoubtedly bring on their own challenges. All the same, Gavin is still such a bright, charming, enthusiastic, happy boy and I'm so so so happy to see him able to realize that about himself.

Posted by robynanne at 8:36 AM CDT
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Dreams and Aspirations

May 14, 2008 10:37 A.M. Weight: 160.0 lbs.

This morning, as I was settling into my day at work, I got an e-mail from my husband. Apparently, Jessie declared as she was getting ready to go to daycare today that she is going to be an Ice Cream Truck Lady when she grows up. Since Gavin fluctuates between being an astronaut and a cashier at Target, I'm thinking I may very well be happy to have a nice 401k plan in place when I'm older. I wonder if Ice Cream Truck driving school qualifies for 529 savings payments. Now, if she gets a business management degree and OWNS her own giant Ice Cream Truck empire, well, that's different.

I have to say though, when I was younger my aspirations revolved around owning my own ad agency just like Angela Bower. I even won a contest with Life Cereal for writing a little commercial as a kid… well… 'won' might be a bit strong. They sent me a certificate saying 'nice ad, kid' or something like that. When I got older I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to argue the case for justice in the world. Then when I was dating an engineer I wanted to get an engineering degree and since I liked my chemistry classes in high school more than physics I landed on chemical engineer - THEN I'd get that law degree and be an intellectual properties lawyer arguing for justice in the patent world. Ya, I know, I was a little ambitious.

My first year in chemical engineering involved taking an organic chem class. Just in case you don't know - for people who rely mostly on computers to store any memory at all (I think I'd forget how to phone home if it wasn't programmed into my cell), organic chem class can also be called "torture". I couldn't memorize anything. I LITERALLY filled out the little test bubbles on the final exam by just making a pattern that looked aesthetically pleasing to me. (BTW - I got a C in the class.) Thankfully, my first year also included taking a class in Fortran. Fortran is a programming language that cave men used to write code that calculated how long and sharp the flint spearhead had to be on their spears to bring down the largest mammoths. All the same, it was interesting and I was intrigued. I ended up writing all the Fortran code for my fellow ChemE majors in that class while I relied on them to do the actual chemical engineering stuff. Thus, a major change to Computer Science followed.

I was still planning on getting the computer science degree and then the law degree so I didn't really think the type of engineering mattered all that much. By my sophomore year I was being asked to apply for internship jobs and by my senior year I was being given job offers such that 4+ more years in school to get a law degree didn't look very appealing. I was happy enough working as a computer dork and plus, I really wanted to start my family. Now here I am, computer dork extraordinaire. So really, who knows where Jessie's path towards ice cream truck driving dreams will take her. As long as I get free creamsicles when she's in the neighborhood I may not care.

Posted by robynanne at 11:10 AM CDT
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Happy Doughnut Day... I mean... Mother's Day

May 13, 2008 10:42 A.M. Weight: 161.0 lbs.

The past few days I have had ample opportunity to consume copious amounts of not-so-healthy foods. I have not particularly avoided much. The motivation to do so has been lacking since I'm not too terribly out of sorts with my 160 weight. Not that I'm a waif or anything but I do have to admit from time to time that you can see my clavicle and my legs look dang good in their bike shorts. Hey - I could be a plus-size model! You know, it has always bugged me that plus sized models wear size 12s which are not, in fact, plus sized. Anyway, it started with Friday night's cookies and bars, went to Saturday's homemade pizza, granola bars, and chips, proceeded to Sunday's Mother's Day lunch at IHOP (blueberry stuffed french toast anyone?), and ended at yesterday's Old Country Buffet dinner with my Mother In Law. Now, really, yesterday I had salad with no dressing and sliced roast turkey and I was pretty well behaved when you don't consider the two desserts I grabbed to share with the kids. I was a little excited about our trip to OCB. It has a reputation for being the gathering place for the local plus-sized people. It makes sense, all you can eat buffet all the time. We like it because the buffet style suits impatient kids well and it also allows them to pick and choose crazy meals like Jessie last night. She had fish sticks, black olives, mushrooms, Jell-O, corn and carrots. No restaurant would put a meal like that on their menu. I was interested in noting that the clientele that particular night was not dominated by severely overweight people. It was also nice to be able to go to the buffet to get plate after plate of stuff for the kids without worrying that people are thinking disgusting thoughts about me and my own weight issues while I bring more and more food back to my table. All the same, by last night I was pretty sure I had overdone it enough. Still, I wouldn't have cared if I hadn't gotten that 161 today at the gym. THAT, friends, means it is time to stop celebrating… whatever… and eat right. Especially because for the run this weekend I'd like to get a good time (IE - anything at all under 50:20 if I just run the 5 miles) so I'm not going to be pushing it hard at the gym this week. I ran 3 miles yesterday, ellipted 30 minutes today, and I will be hitting the elliptical again tomorrow for the final workout before the run.

I hope that you all enjoyed and/or lived through Mother's Day. Back in 2003, the Mother's Day after Anily had died, I recall driving into work and they were talking about it being Mother's Day on the radio. I was still not pregnant again - in fact - I was not even having cycles to TRY to get pregnant yet at that time. There was this contest for who had the worst Mother's Day. Women were calling in describing how their terribly misled husbands were not only failing to plan anything special, but forcing them to interact with their children during what should've been their one day off. It turned into a whine fest of women about how much time they had to spend all day long with their wretched children. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to cry and scream and vomit. I figured though, that I was a shoe-in for the damn contest. *I* spent Mother's Day that year curled up on my bed hugging the teddy bear that was wearing the little outfit Anily had worn in the hospital to my chest sobbing pitifully for my little girl that was buried in a coffin the size of a bassinet - just wishing that my husband would've had the chance to be so unthoughtfull as to force me to actually spend time in the loving presence of my daughter. So I called up and entered myself into the contest and finished it off by saying I cannot believe the radio station would be so crass as to have a "Worst Mother's Day Ever" contest and even consider women who have all their children alive and healthy in the running. Oddly enough, they never aired my phone call. In fact, they stopped airing anything related to the contest at all. They didn't say who won they didn't talk about it they didn't apologize for being dumb or anything. It just vanished right off the airways. I was pissed off. I'm pretty sure I had deserved that spa day package they were giving away. (That was sarcasm, BTW, I don't even remember what the prize was.) Actually, I was a little irritated they didn't publicly apologize but all in all, at least they stopped it.

That was a long time ago. Now I have my hands full, that's for sure! I'll tell you though, I could have 20 kids (just call me Duggar) and I'd still miss Anily. Having other children doesn't change that grief. It does change the part where I worried about ever having more, or ever having a daughter. That's not the same. For my Mother's Day this year, the kids jumped into my bed in the morning and presented me with a necklace. It is a heart with a little opal (Oct birthstone - mine) at the top and 4 little hanging birthstones on the bottom. Ruby for Gavin, Amethyst for Anily, Opal for Jessie, and Emerald for Ash. Then my husband went downstairs to play on the computer and made me take care of the kids all day long. Actually, we all went out to Menards to visit with my Mother In Law who had to work that day and look at the different swing set options. We've been planning on using our tax refund to get a big swing set thing for our backyard. Then we went to IHOP and I ate what I'm pretty sure was a giant frosting and blueberry pie filling stuffed doughnut under the guise of "Stuffed French Toast". Then we went home for an extremely late nap for Asher. At this point I should've gone to the gym but I didn't. Instead, working under the self-righteous concept of it being Mother's Day and I don't have to go to the gym, I pretty much just loitered around the house doing laundry. Hey, what did YOU do this weekend?

Posted by robynanne at 10:59 AM CDT

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