Weight: 160
I FINALLY got back to 160!! YAY! I have to say that I've been eating these veggie stick things (air puffed french fries more or less) in the evenings straight from the bag and I've been doing GREAT at portions!! I'm so proud of myself. I have the bag right by my computer and I can grab it, eat some, and PUT IT BACK DOWN. It has sat in there for 4 days now and is still not empty. This is an amazing thing!
I have a hair 'consultation' appointment this Sat. I'll have to bring the kids since Kris has drill on Sat (but not Friday or Sunday, which is really odd but I'll take it.) I have heard about this Japanese hair straightening thing that you can do to permanently make your hair as if you have hot ironed it. Now, I've heard a LOT about it - some people swear by it - some say it will destroy your hair. Everyone says that as your hair grows out, since obviously it doesn't change your genetics, it will grow out not straight and the line between the treated hair and the not treated hair looks odd. It is also expensive and takes forever. Now, the taking forever part is normal for me. Just using a hot iron to straighten it takes ~2 hours, and that's only if I pay someone professional to do it. A perm would take ~5 hours. Since she says that it NORMALLY takes 5 hours to do this to someone, I'm willing to guess it will be a full 8 hour day for the actual appointment if I do have one. From what I understand, there are 2 methods of this that are not going to destroy your hair. All other types will actually turn your hair into little porous strands of goo. That or snakes with big fangs, I forget which. Either way, it is evidently important to find someone that REALLY knows what they are doing and is using the correct chemical mix. The place I found that does it is Amazing Beauty Spa and Salon at 995 Grand Ave Apt B1. They use the Yoki or whatever it is called technique, which is what I was looking for. When I asked how long they've done it for, she said 4 years… sounds kinda short to me. Then again, everyone has to start somewhere, right? They charge $400+ for this service so… yikes, right??!! But OH… if it is possible. The change would be drastic to me. Like being able to wake up and SEE without glasses was. Only trouble being that obviously it needs to be redone as your hair grows out and my hair grows at approx 4 MPH (Yes, I'm kidding) so that's a lot of re-doing. If I can though, I'd like to try it just once and see what happens. Because my hair grows so fast, I'm not really all that worried. Heck, if I fry it off and have to get a wig I'll STILL be able to have nice hair. I've actually considered shaving it on purpose and getting some wigs. Wish me luck at the consult - and that they tell me it will work for my hair type.
I ran another 5 miles today. I made 49:09 for my time. I averaged 6.1MPH. Pretty decent, huh? My husband sent me this run for the troops info (http://www.thankmntroops.org/MMAFhtmlindex.html) and I'd really like to do this because, hey, my husband actually sent it to me. He usually whines about having to watch the kids alone when I go run. Plus, it is a chance for me to prove to him that I am NOT anti National Guard… I think they do awesome things when needed for natural disasters and such at home… I am just anti 'send generally young, hot-headed people overseas with loaded guns and put them in dangerous situations'. Seriously folks, I know *I* would not want the majority of my husband's unit in MY backyard near my kids while holding loaded paintball guns, not to mention real bullets. Anyway, I digress. I'd like to do the run but it is the day after a run that my friends are doing so if anyone is in MN and interested in going, let me know. I may end up doing it alone. That or pester my friends to do two run days in a row so much that they have to either stop answering the phone when I call and change their numbers, or go.
Oh ya! Ultra-bitch made another showing today. I'm thinking that she must be a regular that just comes in after I normally leave. I have been running a bit late this week so that must be it. I got out of the shower today and I walked past her as I went to the locker section and she went into the showers. Since she was showering, I had free access to everything she had out, which was, in fact, everything. I have to admit, I did move some things. I took her half eaten protein bar and moved it about 6 inches over and I took this bottle of hair product and moved it about 6 inches the other way. Not much, but enough that she might wonder if something was different. I figure, if I can keep messing with her head enough, she might start to actually put some of the stuff away. I'll have to let you know how my experiment works out. Don't worry, if she gets mad at me… I think I can take her.