Topic: IT dorks take over
OK, I will add a real post shortly (because OH BOY did I have an eventful morning!!!) but right now I need some help. You will notice that there is now a fancy list of blogs to the right. To the left you will see some fun catagories. Well, I was trying to do some editing to my site yesterday to make it more user friendly and I ran into a little snag. Tripod will only let me assign ONE catagory to any post. Well, if you've read this for any amount of time you will notice that I ramble write with a lot of diversity in my posts. One catagory is just not going to cut it. Plus, for the 3rd time I did NOT get my traffic report created for the previous day and I actually did decide to pay the dumb $4-something just so I could view traffic reports. Yes, I'm anal like that and YES, all you non-commenting peeps that come to my blog, I know you are here! Did I mention I love comments?
Anyway, I've just rambled been diverse again. My point is, Tripod as officially cheesed me off enough to leave. It will be sad. I've been here ever since Ivillage pawned me off on them without a choice like the red-headed step child I am way back in, oh, 2003 or something like that. I started the site originally when I was pregnant with Anily in 2002 so that I could display pictures of the cloth diapers I was making for her. When she ended up dying, I used it to post information about her and then I blogged my pregnancy with Jessica and then I kept blogging about the kids and then I created THIS specific blog for the weightloss and, well, here we are. I am not deleting all the family stuff - although goodness knows I haven't updated it in ages. I think it celebrates Ash's first birthday over at that site still. Anyway, that is free so whatever. I am moving my 'operation life' stuff.
I am deciding between two sites. Typepad has caught my eye from a number of other blogs I've read. My friend Kristina has suggested Wordpress which I know other friends also use. I'm checking them both out but in my short experience, Wordpress is getting better scores. Mostly for the 'free' factor. Typepad is $4.95/month and it doesn't look like the bells and whistles are any fancier for that monthly payment. The one really nice thing about Typepad so far is the design and overall look of my blog would be more up to me it seems. (Or, at least, it is easier to make it my own.) Also, the 'Operation Life' name in the web address is open at Typepad vs Wordpress, where it is not. On the other hand, Wordpress has funner stats that are easier to get to I think. It was also pretty easy to add links to a blog roll there but to be fair, I didn't attempt to do that at Typepad.
These are the two sites I've set up:
I will be playing with both of these and trying to keep up the blogs at all three places (um, yikes) for the next 13 or so days. (Until Typepad is no longer free or until I make up my mind, whichever comes first.)
Please check out the other two sites and let me know (via commenting) which you prefer. Also, if you have experience with one or the other, a review of the service you've recieved (customer service is a big deal to me) and your general feel for the site would be great!