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Welcome to my blog. I'm Robyn. I was born in October '74 (so I don't have to keep upping my age every year.) I'm married to Kris, my military guy that married me, a pagan hippie. I have 4 children, 3 living, I work fulltime as an IT business analyst (aka - computer dork) and I have worked very hard to get out from under obesity. This blog was originally about the weight loss journey, however now it is about my life. After having lost my 2nd child, Anily, during her full term delivery after a perfectly normal pregnancy, I got involved in a group called "Missing Grace". That is a group that helps people through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility, and adoption. Through this group I found an agency that helped me to DO SOMETHING about all the infertility I saw around me every day. I am in the beginning of a surrogacy journey in which I will be the gestational carrier. I've never done this before so I have to admit I don't know all of what I'm about to take on. I guess we'll find out. In the meantime, I'll blog about my life. My stillbirth, parenting, weightloss, maintaining, working, surrogacy, whatever else happens, life.

The Human Race 8K - 56:17
The Bunker Hills Run 8K - 50:20
Eagan Fun Run 2 mile - 20:05, 5 mile - 54:07

Operation Life
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Dreams and Aspirations

May 14, 2008 10:37 A.M. Weight: 160.0 lbs.

This morning, as I was settling into my day at work, I got an e-mail from my husband. Apparently, Jessie declared as she was getting ready to go to daycare today that she is going to be an Ice Cream Truck Lady when she grows up. Since Gavin fluctuates between being an astronaut and a cashier at Target, I'm thinking I may very well be happy to have a nice 401k plan in place when I'm older. I wonder if Ice Cream Truck driving school qualifies for 529 savings payments. Now, if she gets a business management degree and OWNS her own giant Ice Cream Truck empire, well, that's different.

I have to say though, when I was younger my aspirations revolved around owning my own ad agency just like Angela Bower. I even won a contest with Life Cereal for writing a little commercial as a kid… well… 'won' might be a bit strong. They sent me a certificate saying 'nice ad, kid' or something like that. When I got older I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to argue the case for justice in the world. Then when I was dating an engineer I wanted to get an engineering degree and since I liked my chemistry classes in high school more than physics I landed on chemical engineer - THEN I'd get that law degree and be an intellectual properties lawyer arguing for justice in the patent world. Ya, I know, I was a little ambitious.

My first year in chemical engineering involved taking an organic chem class. Just in case you don't know - for people who rely mostly on computers to store any memory at all (I think I'd forget how to phone home if it wasn't programmed into my cell), organic chem class can also be called "torture". I couldn't memorize anything. I LITERALLY filled out the little test bubbles on the final exam by just making a pattern that looked aesthetically pleasing to me. (BTW - I got a C in the class.) Thankfully, my first year also included taking a class in Fortran. Fortran is a programming language that cave men used to write code that calculated how long and sharp the flint spearhead had to be on their spears to bring down the largest mammoths. All the same, it was interesting and I was intrigued. I ended up writing all the Fortran code for my fellow ChemE majors in that class while I relied on them to do the actual chemical engineering stuff. Thus, a major change to Computer Science followed.

I was still planning on getting the computer science degree and then the law degree so I didn't really think the type of engineering mattered all that much. By my sophomore year I was being asked to apply for internship jobs and by my senior year I was being given job offers such that 4+ more years in school to get a law degree didn't look very appealing. I was happy enough working as a computer dork and plus, I really wanted to start my family. Now here I am, computer dork extraordinaire. So really, who knows where Jessie's path towards ice cream truck driving dreams will take her. As long as I get free creamsicles when she's in the neighborhood I may not care.

Posted by robynanne at 11:10 AM CDT
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Happy Doughnut Day... I mean... Mother's Day

May 13, 2008 10:42 A.M. Weight: 161.0 lbs.

The past few days I have had ample opportunity to consume copious amounts of not-so-healthy foods. I have not particularly avoided much. The motivation to do so has been lacking since I'm not too terribly out of sorts with my 160 weight. Not that I'm a waif or anything but I do have to admit from time to time that you can see my clavicle and my legs look dang good in their bike shorts. Hey - I could be a plus-size model! You know, it has always bugged me that plus sized models wear size 12s which are not, in fact, plus sized. Anyway, it started with Friday night's cookies and bars, went to Saturday's homemade pizza, granola bars, and chips, proceeded to Sunday's Mother's Day lunch at IHOP (blueberry stuffed french toast anyone?), and ended at yesterday's Old Country Buffet dinner with my Mother In Law. Now, really, yesterday I had salad with no dressing and sliced roast turkey and I was pretty well behaved when you don't consider the two desserts I grabbed to share with the kids. I was a little excited about our trip to OCB. It has a reputation for being the gathering place for the local plus-sized people. It makes sense, all you can eat buffet all the time. We like it because the buffet style suits impatient kids well and it also allows them to pick and choose crazy meals like Jessie last night. She had fish sticks, black olives, mushrooms, Jell-O, corn and carrots. No restaurant would put a meal like that on their menu. I was interested in noting that the clientele that particular night was not dominated by severely overweight people. It was also nice to be able to go to the buffet to get plate after plate of stuff for the kids without worrying that people are thinking disgusting thoughts about me and my own weight issues while I bring more and more food back to my table. All the same, by last night I was pretty sure I had overdone it enough. Still, I wouldn't have cared if I hadn't gotten that 161 today at the gym. THAT, friends, means it is time to stop celebrating… whatever… and eat right. Especially because for the run this weekend I'd like to get a good time (IE - anything at all under 50:20 if I just run the 5 miles) so I'm not going to be pushing it hard at the gym this week. I ran 3 miles yesterday, ellipted 30 minutes today, and I will be hitting the elliptical again tomorrow for the final workout before the run.

I hope that you all enjoyed and/or lived through Mother's Day. Back in 2003, the Mother's Day after Anily had died, I recall driving into work and they were talking about it being Mother's Day on the radio. I was still not pregnant again - in fact - I was not even having cycles to TRY to get pregnant yet at that time. There was this contest for who had the worst Mother's Day. Women were calling in describing how their terribly misled husbands were not only failing to plan anything special, but forcing them to interact with their children during what should've been their one day off. It turned into a whine fest of women about how much time they had to spend all day long with their wretched children. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to cry and scream and vomit. I figured though, that I was a shoe-in for the damn contest. *I* spent Mother's Day that year curled up on my bed hugging the teddy bear that was wearing the little outfit Anily had worn in the hospital to my chest sobbing pitifully for my little girl that was buried in a coffin the size of a bassinet - just wishing that my husband would've had the chance to be so unthoughtfull as to force me to actually spend time in the loving presence of my daughter. So I called up and entered myself into the contest and finished it off by saying I cannot believe the radio station would be so crass as to have a "Worst Mother's Day Ever" contest and even consider women who have all their children alive and healthy in the running. Oddly enough, they never aired my phone call. In fact, they stopped airing anything related to the contest at all. They didn't say who won they didn't talk about it they didn't apologize for being dumb or anything. It just vanished right off the airways. I was pissed off. I'm pretty sure I had deserved that spa day package they were giving away. (That was sarcasm, BTW, I don't even remember what the prize was.) Actually, I was a little irritated they didn't publicly apologize but all in all, at least they stopped it.

That was a long time ago. Now I have my hands full, that's for sure! I'll tell you though, I could have 20 kids (just call me Duggar) and I'd still miss Anily. Having other children doesn't change that grief. It does change the part where I worried about ever having more, or ever having a daughter. That's not the same. For my Mother's Day this year, the kids jumped into my bed in the morning and presented me with a necklace. It is a heart with a little opal (Oct birthstone - mine) at the top and 4 little hanging birthstones on the bottom. Ruby for Gavin, Amethyst for Anily, Opal for Jessie, and Emerald for Ash. Then my husband went downstairs to play on the computer and made me take care of the kids all day long. Actually, we all went out to Menards to visit with my Mother In Law who had to work that day and look at the different swing set options. We've been planning on using our tax refund to get a big swing set thing for our backyard. Then we went to IHOP and I ate what I'm pretty sure was a giant frosting and blueberry pie filling stuffed doughnut under the guise of "Stuffed French Toast". Then we went home for an extremely late nap for Asher. At this point I should've gone to the gym but I didn't. Instead, working under the self-righteous concept of it being Mother's Day and I don't have to go to the gym, I pretty much just loitered around the house doing laundry. Hey, what did YOU do this weekend?

Posted by robynanne at 10:59 AM CDT
Monday, 12 May 2008
You Have Arrived

About a month or so ago, my husband got me a Magellan GPS for my car. He did this on a whim because he was at Costco and it was on sale and he is like that. This, folks, is why we have separate checking accounts, but I digress. Anyway, this little purchase hardly rates as one of his more… um… exciting ones, and truth be told, if there is anyone on the planet that needs one of these suckers, it is me. I have no sense of direction. I once walked to a park a few blocks away from our house with Gavin when he was about 2 years old. We had just moved here but still - we walked to the park. I was being brave. On the way home, Gavin wanted to make a left turn around the block instead of a right turn and we had plenty of time so I figured, sure, we’ll check the neighborhood out. Um, well, fast forward a few hours and you will find a tired and frustrated me hailing down the nicest looking mommy in a mini-van to give my lost child and I a lift back to our house. I’m pretty sure she thought I was ‘special’ in some way and I’d have to agree. That is precisely how bad my sense of direction is. Honestly, it is a wonder that I manage to get anywhere in a car where the pure speed allows you to get so much MORE lost so much more quickly.

This GPS device talks to me. I talk back. It says things like ‘Make a left turn in 4.5 miles.’ or ‘Stay on the current road in 2.4 miles.’ (Apparently it doesn’t trust me to not spontaneously turn when it hasn’t told me to.) I say things like ‘You better be right this time.’ or ‘Sure, I’ll drive over the invisible bridge.’ See, the problem is that it doesn’t seem to know that the 35W bridge is gone. It also seems to think there is a Wells Fargo bank in the middle of nowhere. There is not. I’ve checked. I’ve checked because when I needed a bank it was ever so handy to have the points of interest button that I could use to ask it where the closest bank is. It routed my drive and told me how long it would take and I followed the instructions. Right into the middle of a run down area with absolutely no bank of any kind. At exactly the time I’m sitting in my car on the street wondering what I’m going to do now my GPS tells me, “You have arrived.” Yes, clearly, I have. Stupid little GPS woman.

Annoying errors aside, I have to admit that I have become dependent on this device. I will tell it when I am going anywhere - even places I know very well how to get to. I do this because it estimates my arrival time which I love. When I’m out biking or running, I find that I miss my robotic GPS companion. I think what I really need is a GPS watch. Then I could use it to set my running routes and it would tell me how far they are and I’d never have to get lost. Mostly though, when I get to the end of a long run, GPS woman would always be there to tell me, “You have arrived.” Now if only I could get a watch for my husband that says “What would your wife say about buying that?”

Posted by robynanne at 4:30 PM CDT
Friday, 9 May 2008
Rude Much?


I have to admit, I was way too self absorbed in the gym this morning. Granted, that is really my time so I don't feel too badly about it but still. A woman that I see frequently in the gym was at the sinks drying her hair when I went up to finish getting ready. We said hi and she said "You've really lost a lot of weight recently, you've been doing a great job." This was very awesome to hear. Especially now when I really have NOT seen a lot of loss and I don't really hear that often. I thanked her and, always the MN woman well trained in proper compliment etiquette, I promptly told her how very wrong she was. "Oh no, recently it seems I have just not gone down at all!" She countered with a brilliant rebuttal "Still, even just maintaining for so long is great." I conceded this point to her and thanked her again. It wasn't until she had left that I realized that I should've returned the compliment to her. She is in GREAT shape. She always has been since I've seen her there but I know that she is very conscious of what she looks like. She said once that she just stopped eating for 3 days to lose weight because her doctor told her it would work. (I know, it sounded bad to me too, but the way she said it didn't sound like she was anorexic although what the hell do I know?) I should've TOLD her that I've always thought she was in great shape. A simple "Oh, I'd return the compliment but you've ALWAYS looked so amazing and slim so I don't think you have anything to lose." would've been nice. But no, like I said, too self absorbed apparently, to think of it while talking to her.

I have completed my 15 miles! Actually, I've run 16 miles on the treadmill this week and yesterday after work I came home early, got the double kid jogging/bike stroller, and jogged/walked to daycare to pick them up and then, of course, back home with them. I don't know how much real running I got in with that. It is SO HARD to run with a stroller! You've got to keep one arm holding onto it and you need to keep it going straight and well anyway, between the extra effort to just push it and the coordination involved in not falling over or running into the curb or potholes or other people while they gape at you for running with an empty giant stroller, it is more work. It was even more work when there were actually children in the stroller after I had gotten to the daycare house to get them. I doubt I had much running under my belt with that one but it DID take me about 30-35 minutes to get to the daycare house vs the 50ish minutes to get back with the kids in tow. Part of that was because I couldn't run on the way back because Gavin had no desire to run and he couldn't ride in the stroller. By the time we got home I was pulling him along. For how fit he seems, that kid needs more endurance! For this next week, I really have to decide if I am going to sign up for that 7 mile run on Sat. I have an appointment at 11, but there is still time to hit the run if I want to. If I do, I don't want to kill myself with 5 mile runs on Monday and Wednesday again. I know I'm all uber and everything, but today my run was hard and I could really feel that I'm ending out a high mile week. There was gasping and heavy breathing and quiet swearing involved (although that was more because the stupid "Team Weight Loss" group was counting out loud while they did jumping jacks and I HATE it when they do that and mess with my breathing rhythm. 1-2-1-2-1-14-2-15-1-2-16-FUCK, SHUT UP!) I'm leaning towards signing up and going ahead and doing it so chances are my runs next week will be minor. I'm thinking a 3 mile on Monday, a 1 mile on Tuesday and a 3 mile on Wednesday. That will give me Thursday and Friday to rest up. That will also still give me a 14 mile week with the 7 on Sat (assuming I don't, in fact DIE on Sat.) so that is decent I think. I don't expect my time to be very amazing or anything on Sat though if I do 7 miles because… 7 miles. In one run. Holy nipple band aids batman.

I have been noticing a problem now that the weather is getting nicer. My clothes don't fit. Almost all of my summer clothes are size 14-1X. I am still trying to build up my savings again after zapping through them very quickly purchasing new wardrobes from last summer and winter. The clothes that don't fit me are really pretty new themselves. I figured that I could just wear them anyway but I've been noticing that when I look at my reflection in the baggy clothes it is easier for me to visualize the bigger me. I know, I know, more whining about this post-traumatic-obesity disorder and all. I've already decided I'm going to have to suck it up and deal with it because I do not have the savings in place to get tons of new stuff now. Eventually, just not now. Hey, as long as they keep my office air conditioned to arctic regulations, I can still just wear my winter stuff anyway.

Posted by robynanne at 11:38 AM CDT
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Sun Down to Sun Up

Weight: 160.0 lbs.

Well, it looks like we are in search of a new egg donor. When I say "we" I really just mean the guys because that's not something I get any say on. (Although, guys, if you want my advice, look for the ones with SMALL head circumferences!!) Oh, and preferably one that has eggs. We have now rounded 70 days with no period for the previous donor and rather than wait it out and wonder what this might mean for a successful harvest quantity/quality, we are looking for a new one. Don't ever let it be said that for two gay guys "all" they have to do for a family is surrogacy, that's for sure! They've had one disappointment/loss after another through this whole thing. I can't wait for them to have a family and to finally be parents after all of this.

With that news coming in last night, AND a production down issue on the floor around 9PM, it turned into a kinda late night. When I say "late" I mean, I went to sleep after the sun went down so it wasn't really that bad. I just was hoping to get to sleep by 9 because I've been so tired with the 10-5 routine lately. Then, this morning I wake up at 4 to hear a child calling me. I figure out it is Jessie because she's had a bad dream. I get her (and change her sheets and pjs because I'm blessed with a houseful of nighttime bladder control rebels) and bring her up to my bed in the hopes of getting about 30 minutes of sleep before the alarm goes off. Jessie keeps m-o-v-i-n-g in the bed and I keep saying "Jessica, for the love of Captain Feather Sword PUH-LEASE just go to sleep." Finally it is about 5 minutes before my alarm will go off and I'm dropping into sleep and my cell phone rings. I run to answer it before it sets off the other child in the crib and it is work again saying that they are still down. (Last night it had turned out that the server people were doing scheduled maintenance only they had neglected to tell our site that it was scheduled.) I'm pissy and tired and up for the day so I jump to with a HUGE case of "What in the hell are you trying to do to my production site" on my shoulder and call the support person in Arizona. Yes, it is 2 hours BEFORE 5AM there. Now, it might be good to point out that what I SHOULD have done was log into my work computer first and VERIFY that the production people were not just making things up. They do that, you know. They come to me and say "We can't work" and when I walk over there and WATCH them do what they say they can't do, they do it just fine. "Well, it didn't work before." riiiiight. But I was pissy and tired and evidently feeling vindictive so I called and woke up the very nice Arizona support person to pass along the news that they were down. She said that she would check on things and while she was doing that, I was logging in to verify that they were, in fact, as down as they said. Low and behold, the app came right up and was working just fine. Hehe, hehe, heh, um, oops. I called the production people and asked them to try it again and "Hey, it's working now, what did you do?!" Um, nothing. The Arizona support person calls me to inform me that everything on her end looks just fine and it all should've been up and running since about sometime last night. Yes, thank you very much everything seems fine sorry to have woken you up. Ah, today is gonna be AWESOME!

Jessie is, of course, totally awake after all of this and I get ready while she says she doesn't want me to go to work. I finally convince her to settle down when I offer to turn on Caillou or Peep for her so I can get, by now LATE, out the door to the gym. I have 5 miles to run this morning before work. At the gym, I try to get my stretching in while sitting on the bench in the locker room before the run. Someone has got her gym bag the size of Texas sitting on the bench. PEOPLE - your BAG can sit on the FLOOR. Please remember this. Your bag LIKES the floor. So after I deliver a precise and powerful ninja kick to send the bag flying over the lockers and land wedged ever so gracefully atop the bathroom stall door, I use the tiny unoccupied corner of the bench to get some stretches in. My run actually goes rather well. Slower than the other times at 51 minutes for the 5 miles but I also didn't feel all drained from it. Then I do an abbreviated stretching routine while walking back to the locker room. Where I weigh in at 160 again. But hey, look, the sun is up and it is a beautiful day for me to drive into work now.

Posted by robynanne at 12:54 PM CDT
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Cockroaches and Clinics
Weight: 160

Ah-choo! Oh, sorry, I don't think the fancy drug samples I got from the allergist are working. I'll give them a little while - maybe they need to build up in your system. You know... like nicotine or crack. I've got a giant bag full of little packets with one pill in each packet. You are supposed to take one each night just before going to sleep and they last all day. I woke up this morning sneezy and itchy and yuck. Before I get too far into this, I'd like to point out that I was actually kinda impressed with my visit. It didn't help me much, but it told me what I wanted to know and the allergist seemed very eager to help me out. A little too eager, actually. Have you ever noticed that often, your doctor has a different goal out of your appointment than you do? I have three examples to share.

1) I went to a dermatologist to find out if there was anything I could do (ie laser skin treatments covered by my insurance) to get rid of the red rosacea on my face. It isn't bad but it can be if I get warm or, ya know, drunk. There is nothing better than having a 'This one is sloshed' signal right there on my face. He answered my question right away about the laser treatments - not gonna happen under insurance. He also told me it was probably not going to get a whole lot worse which was my other question. At that point, I was done. Ready to go home and get drunk and read about interesting new ways to serve kid-friendly tofu. My doctor, however, was just getting started. He was handing out sample skin creams and talking about ways to reduce the chances of my face getting redder (something about not drinking) and making a regular set of appointments for me to come in and chat about how well the lotions were working. He was ready to find ways to fix the problem while I was just interested in more information - I was managing to deal with the issue on my own otherwise, thank you very much.

2) I saw a sports medicine doc about my knees hurting from running. I wanted to know if I was permanently damaging them or not. Would they get better if I kept training or would they get worse? He answered that right away. From the X-rays, he could tell me I was not permanently damaging them and that I just needed to build up the muscles around there. Ok, awesome. Thanks doc! But alas, he was just getting started. Braces, taping, lining up therapy sessions... everything. I have to admit, some of it did help. Ultimately though, he was interested in FIXING the problem while I just wanted to know more about it. I could deal with the pain as long as I knew it would get better and not worse.

3) These allergies. I've been living with them for 20 years. Since I was born Since I was in high school. (Fine, I'm not 20.) I was interested in finding out if there was a simple thing that I could do that did not involve taking pills all day long or eye drops. Maybe in those 20 years medical science has found a miracle allergy shot that you take once and are done with allergies for the season. Granted, some quality time with Google would've told me that, but I was going to go through the old fashioned way of talking to the allergist. Turns out, there is no such thing as a one-time shot for the season. Instead, people that are not in the process of becoming surrogates or going through IVF can sign up for a series of weekly, then monthly, then.. I don't know I stopped listening.. shots. I asked if I could give myself the shots because, ya know, I'm now qualified to shoot up with the best of them. She said no because of the risk of anaphylaxis shock. She also said that if you get pregnant, they stop the treatments and the weekly ones have to go for about 6-8 weeks so I'm pretty much SOL for starting that now anyway. That was pretty much it. I was ready to go home. She was ready to have me lay on the exam table and put all sorts of questionable solutions on my back and make little pin pricks to let it seep into my skin. SHE wanted to FIX it. Find the right drug, keep trying different ones, etc. From my perspective, she has done what I went there for. From her perspective, I'm an ongoing client that she will see back some day. Unfortunately, I'm shockingly meek when it comes to making a stand at the spur of the moment so when they had me lay on the bed thing for the allergy tests, I did it. (Also, just so you know, I did NOT hide my very attractive periwinkle blue bra under my shirt on the chair. I hung it on the lamp.)

After the test, I got the sheet of all the things they tested me for. Turns out, I'm allergic to willow, oak, birch, all kinds of grass, ragweed, and all dust of any variety. This is fine - but the things I'm NOT allergic to were quite alarming. Not because I'm not allergic to them, but because WHAT, exactly, did they just expose me to to find out that I'm not allergic to them??? The list of molds included cockroach. Cockroach mold. Let's imagine, for a moment, what one might do to get a solution that you could put on someone's skin and scratch the skin to find out if they are allergic to cockroaches. Hmm. I just have to say, I didn't sign any waivers for this test and I seriously think I should've been asked before they did this. I mean, gross. Oh, and after the test on my back didn't produce any results for a certain small list of things they figured I was actually allergic to, they took a more concentrated solution of that and used very small needles to actually inject it under the skin on my arm. Three of those are now basically very small bug bites and the other 4 did nothing other than make little blood blisters from the needle. They evidently thought my little bug bite ones were nothing and crossed off those items from my allergy list. It was cute when the girl asked me if needles bothered me. I looked at the little things she was using and laughed. Those are needles? LOL!

As of this morning, I am 6 miles into my 15 mile week for running. Not much more to say about it - pretty boring, typical workout. I'm a little irked that I'm still at 160 after a decent day yesterday but oh well.

I found out today finally some more surrogacy information. Since the egg donor is still not cycling, we have at least 7 weeks out before any transfer. That 7 weeks moves out for each day she doesn't get her period. We're now looking at June 24th at the earliest. I have a lot of feelings about how long this has been taking but since I don't believe MY frustrations and irritations can compare to Paul and James's - I'm not going to blog in length about them. It is what it is and I will just keep waiting. This news does mean that I can finally plan the end of May and the birthdays for Asher and Jessie. It also means Gavin won't be in school anymore when I go for the transfer so that might make childcare easier. Oh, one more thing... when I asked the allergist about the shots and doing IVF, well, in the course of the conversation she said a number of stupid things to me. Well, probably stupid is the wrong word. I just didn't appreciate them although I know she was just trying to be nice. Because I knew that, I just smiled politely. She commented on how darn many kids I have and that always makes me want to say that I REALLY have 4 kids. She said something about how I have 3 kids so I must just be such a star at pregnancy and never had a problem to go and do it for someone else. Um, where do I start? She also asked if I knew the people I was being a surrogate for or if it was a 'womb for rent' (yes, she ACTUALLY said that.) Being more offended than I've been in a long time I just said I knew the people. She said 'Oh, that's good.' Ha, small talk... isn't it fun? Had I been feeling snarkier I'd have said "No, I don't know them but I've always had a fantasy of getting knocked up by two gay guys." Alas, I was too busy trying to unhook my bra off the drop ceiling frame where I had tossed it after the allergy test.

Posted by robynanne at 11:01 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 May 2008 11:03 AM CDT
Monday, 5 May 2008
Bring back the honey!

Weight: 160.0 lbs.

There is a coffee bar in the same building as my work that is an oasis. Just a mere walk down a long hall, past the bathrooms, through a double doorway, over some scaffolding and through the air duct, you will find it. I call it the beverage haven. Not only do they carry the coveted paper cups instead of the Earth killing styrofoam that I'm convinced is melting oily residue of evil into all of my drinks, but they have.... FREE HONEY. Yes, along with the little psychedelic packets of pastel colored fake sugars and the pristine white packets of the processed addictive dehydrated crystallized cane juice itself, they have packages of honey. For free. Perfectly sized for the size large paper cups that hold the perfect amount of water for my tea. I have guiltily been passing myself off as a member of this advanced clan of Medtronic people so as to partake in the freeness of their honey. And the paper cups.

This past weekend while I was skipping merrily along the dark and empty halls of work at midnight and later, (IE - creeped out beyond belief at the total scariness of all aspects of this building after hours.) I happened to make my way through the very very dark air duct to the beverage haven. I took a small stack of paper cups (~5) and the entirety of honey packets out on the counter. (~4) Yes, my life of thievery of the coffee oasis supplies for the more privileged of us employees has begun. I suspect shortly I will be bringing home crates of yellow post it notes and tape. Next week I'm bringing home a fax machine. Anyway, yes, I decided that part of my payment for being here for hours at night in the dark would be some extra honey packets.

I just got back from the beverage haven and low and behold, in the mere hours from my stolen honey moments, they have rearranged the whole area! The different groups now have their own cupboards and things are shut away from view. There was no honey to be seen. True, perhaps it is just gone since I did clean them out. Or - they've decided to lock it away from me and my gluttony. Damn them. Now where will I get my free fix?


Posted by robynanne at 8:43 PM CDT
No more mullet... and other things from my weekend

5 miles down, 10 miles to go this week for my goal. I was thinking as I was running, 3 miles a day every day this week would get me 15 miles. So for every mile over 3 that I go in a day, that is a mile UNDER 3 that I can go another day. I know it is silly since I'm pretty much planning to go 5 miles on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and 1 mile on Tuesday and Thursday (thus BEATING my goal) but for some reason it always appeals to my mind to think that I'm getting ahead and doing my work early. I was feeling quite proud of myself during my run today because while I was running I was watching people come up to the machines, start their workouts, finish their workouts and leave and I was still there. Yes folks, I'm that amazing. I know! This morning was 'interval' training kinda like Sara had mentioned. I would run a little at 5.5 MPH and then sprint sections at 7.0 MPH. At least, I did that until it got hard and I wussed out and stopped going up to 7.0. I think that was somewhere between the first quarter of a mile and about 2 miles in. I've decided, Sara, that the difference here being that you could've probably outrun me while you were 9 months pregnant. Plus, I highly suspect that you enjoy running while I just enjoy being able to say that I ran. I still finished the 5 miles somewhere in the 50:20 range still.

This weekend was every bit as exciting as I had hoped. I almost forgot the carnival on Friday but thankfully I remembered while driving home from picking the kids up at daycare. It was a madhouse and while I know Gavin is glad that we went, I'd be hard pressed to say that the effort was worth it. The one highlight was that Jessie and Asher and Gavin all got to go in the jumping castle there and you should've SEEN the little one's faces!! Gavin also enjoyed the giant blow up obstacle course. The lowlight was walking blocks because there is never enough parking for all the parents on nights like this and it was raining and windy and freezing and I had Ash in a stroller and was trying to hurry Jessie along. Yuck.

Sat we all went out during the day to get the kid's hair cut. Yes, I cut Ash's mullet off. I've been resisting because he hasn't had that first haircut and those little curls in the back just made him seem like such a baby to me. I don't know why his hair refuses to grow in the front but either way, we did give him a typical little boy cut. He looks so totally different now. Jessie was very into going to get her hair cut but then when we got there she did the shy thing. I just needed her bangs trimmed anyway so it wasn't a big deal. She finally has normal hair now that doesn't look like she cut half of it off herself. (Because, ya know, she DID.)

After dinner when Kris was home I left to do my upgrade at work. Have you seen that horror movie where the woman is working all alone in a dark medical building and people start attacking her with the surgical scissors? No? Well, apparently it is terrifying because I nearly died while working in the dark cleanroom all by myself. This is the place where we put the sewing rings onto the heart valves and it is a sterile room. You have to gown up and put these booties on your feet and everything. Each station has all sorts of sharp objects for sewing purposes along with the computers that I had to upgrade. It was dark, quiet, and totally creepy as hell. I finally finished everything around 2AM. *Shiver* I think I'm scarred for life really. Thankfully though, there never actually was a large figure dressed all in darkness - or - at least - he never attacked if he was there.

Sunday went well with very few problems reported from work. Gavin has finally gotten to the age where he has neighborhood friends that are in and out of the house all day long. This is great in that I've really wanted him to have more friends and all that. It is annoying because the house is full of ~8 year old boys and, naps get difficult. I ended up kicking them all (Gavin included) out of the house for Ash's nap. Now, here's the other issue - Jessie. My 3 year old is infatuated with her big brother's friends. She follows them everywhere and participates in everything they play. On one hand, my heart melts watching these older boys and Gavin not only including Jessie in their play but encouraging it. They were dressing up in costumes and they were helping Jessie put on her snow princess costume (which along with all the fighter boys made me think very much of star wars) and giving her a very large nerf dart shooter. (We lost the darts precisely .054 seconds after we got the guns and always do. They were just for imagination, not actually shooting.) Yes, it is sweet that they include her. Um - but - I foresee trouble in the future. A 5 year age gap - plenty of boys 5 years older than her in and out of the house all day.... and OH MY do the boys seem drawn to her even now. Hopefully Gavin and Jessie don't have issues with all that as she gets older.

You may have noticed I'm back at 160. I think my body seems to just settle there. This weekend I know I was too busy to really eat the way I should've. I tried a little bit but mostly I just ate whatever was easy. Turns out, ice cream is REALLY easy. It is even easier if you put chocolate syrup over it. Hopefully my 15 miles this week will put a dent in that but even if it does, how long before I'm back to 160? If I'm here forever though, I'm happy enough with that. We'll see how it goes.

One last thing.  Please feel free to leave a comment!  Even if I don't know you and you just happened to find this blog mildly amusing... I'd LOVE to read a comment from you! 

Posted by robynanne at 12:55 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 12:56 PM CDT
Friday, 2 May 2008
I 'heart' computers
Weight: 158 
We are on the cusp of a drill weekend.  That means I'll be single parenting this weekend - and a full weekend it is at that.  Today I have to wind up all the loose ends for this upgrade we are doing at work this weekend.  I'll have to run home and get the kids fed and out the door to Gavin's school carnival as quickly as possible.  Tomorrow I'll be on call all day as the rollouts get triggered at work but hopefully I won't actually have to go in as I'd have to bring all three kids with me if I did.  Then once they go to sleep and Kris gets home for the night (8ish) I'll be heading into work to run quals on EVERY PC on the factory floor.  Then compile all the paperwork and leave it ready for the engineers to come in on Sunday and run their tests.  Hopefully get some sleep because I'll be up with the kids early I'm sure on Sunday.  I will be on call again on Sunday pending any problems (knock on wood that there aren't any) with the engineer's tests.  Hey, who says computer dorks don't have exciting lives?
I'm glad I got in a great workout this morning to kick off the weekend.  I'm pretty sure I won't be getting anything in tomorrow.  Sunday, if Kris gets home early enough maybe I could just get something in outside without having to go to the gym.  I'm tempted to try the childcare at the gym again but... ya... I'm not stupid enough to really think it would work.
I'm closing out this week with 10.75 miles run.  Not too bad for only 3 running days in the week and one of those days only a 1 mile run.  I'm hoping next week I can get in 15 miles.  That would be 1  5 mile day, 2  4 mile days, and 2  1 mile days.  Or any other combination of days to get 15 - fun with math!  More fun with math - my mile today was 8:40.  Running that fast really makes me wonder about people that can make those speeds for longer times - like 5+ miles.  I mean, as you train, does it always feel THAT hard to run that fast but you just are able to do it?  Or does it start to feel like a leisurely stroll to run 6MPH such that running 7-8 MPH is not such a big deal?  How long does one normally have to train to increase your speed by, say, 20 seconds per mile?  I wish I could know all these things.  I'd like to know how my speed and my training progress lines up with averages for other people training.  Then again, maybe I don't want to know.  I'm not training like an uber athlete.  I'm training like a full time working mom of 3 who puts in some time each day to stay healthy.  I'd probably be drastically disappointed with myself if I really did compare.
BTW - a couple days ago my 3 year old daughter said she had a fat butt.  How could it possibly start so early???  She's NOT hearing stuff like that around our house.  My only guess is daycare.  There's a little girl there that makes my hair stand on end just to be around her.  She is 6 years old now going on 35.  She is the bossiest little thing I've ever heard (exactly like her mom, whom I also would rather ingest a pound of bacon lard instead of spend any time around).  She is a little prostitute in the making and I'm being nice.  Her mom keeps giving us her old clothes for Jessie and - ya - ew.  Anyway, this girl is a little overweight and I'm sure her mom (who is more than a little overweight) picks on her about it because she enters her in all these beauty pageants.  I'm just hoping that my 3 year old is just parroting what she's heard and not ACTUALLY concerned about being fat.  A) She's a skinny little twig and eats very healthy.  B) She's too young to be body conscious anyway.

Posted by robynanne at 11:03 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 2 May 2008 11:04 AM CDT
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Happy Anniversary!

May 1, 2008 9:21 A.M. Weight: 159.0 lbs.

I missed my 1 year anniversary for starting all of this. I'd have to look back but it was about last Friday. I've had 70 pounds off since then - about 60 of those pounds I've had off and kept off for 5 months now. (Yes, I've only lost 10 pounds in the last 5 months - BUT - I've maintained under my goal weight for 5 months.) See, it's all in how you look at it. I've also gone since that date with exercising very nearly a minimum of 20 minutes 5 days every week. (I've missed that a week or two, I believe.) I'm trying to find some way to infuse some humor to this, however I'm just too dang busy being honest and happy about myself to do so.

A couple days ago I got an e-mail from our surrogacy agency asking me if I had gotten BCPs and started them. Yes, thank you ever so much for giving me your credit card number to use without your knowledge as I have not only purchased and received a month supply of BCPs, but I've been distributing Lupron and PIO and several other fun street drugs out of my home for the past week. Don't worry, I've kept receipts for everything. Or, um, no - I have not spontaneously found and started taking any BCPs. They made the choice that since I'm pretty regular anyway (at least I was before they shot up my system with all sorts of drugs - hopefully that is still the case) they will just forgo the BCPs for me and trust that my system will behave as needed once the egg donor gets on track. I believe that the egg donor was supposed to get her period about the same time that I did with last cycle, so around the end of March. We were baffled at the beginning of April as to what was happening. At this point, now May, one does start to wonder what is going on. We were hoping before the holidays for a Feb transfer. Then all the legal stuff took so long that we were hoping to capture the March/April timeframe. Now I'm basically thinking we're at least into June. The delay is frustrating, to say the least. At least now we're getting to a spring birthday so Paul should be happy about a lower RSV risk for the early days.

Well, I'm happy to announce that there will be no porn spam mail for me!! I DID get in my 5 miles today! The machine even told me I averaged 6 MPH for those 5 miles, however the time was 50 minutes 20 seconds so I know I didn't average 6 MPH. That's OK though because I was aiming for a nice long 5 mile run, not a kill-yourself pushed fast as possible 5 mile run. Now I get to keep running the 5 miles instead of continuing to add .25 miles on each time. I will not lie to you - I do not TOTALLY hate running. There are some moments while I'm going that I feel like I'm flying. Like I'm totally free and grooving to my own montage. (I'm such a dork that it was a Billy Joel song that came on today that had me really moving!) At those times, I feel like I could go forever. The trouble is that as soon as I think "Oh WOW I've hit runvanna." it ends and I'm pushing and struggling to keep going again. I wish that I could spend more time in that state. I wonder - for you runners out there - as you train and get better at it, does that state get easier to attain?

I biked yesterday - real biking - not at the gym. I went from my house, down past where my kids go for daycare, and up around the business area by my house. I was out for about an hour. It is so frustrating to bike around my home because there is nothing for bikes. There isn't even a shoulder on a lot of the places. I even rode past the high school and there was no bike path, shoulder, sidewalk, ANYTHING. That is such a sad statement. It makes me want to go to arms and start a campaign to get more bike friendly streets. I would if I ever had spare time in my life, which I don't. Thus, I'll spend my time whining about it and hope it has the same effect.

Posted by robynanne at 10:12 AM CDT

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